I hate when they separate the sheep from the goatees!!
JoinedPosts by galaxie
Beards......the CO allowed this one!
by punkofnice ina minny man in a local congregation has a beard...he was bullied by the elders to remove it.. then the co came along and told the elders to allow him to keep his beard.
(not as the result of any skin condition or anything).. i kid you not!!!.
what do you make of that?.
Something Big is Coming...
by notsurewheretogo inthe annual meeting of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses will be in october 2014.. .. in november 2013, just after the last one they published this now famous statement in the 15th of november 2013 watchtower page 16 paragraph 17 says:.
"at that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from jehovahs organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.".
You can be ultra sure whatever it is will be a big pile of B....SH..T.!!!!!!
Congregation Pledge Disgusted Elder
by rrb2016 inat the meeting the other night, the elder who had to read the announcements, which included the $$ info for the new donation arrangement seemed downright disgusted as he read the announcements and asked for the vote.
he said, "well, here is another organizational change" as he read the letter about the discontinuation of the 2nd meeting during co visit.
then after they voted, he said if you have any questions ask this other elder as if he wanted nothing to do with it.
I am also intelligent enough to know that god is a moth (only works when the light gets brighter ) lol
Need some help from you guys
by bobert inso recently i've been preparing to move out of my parents house, and i've been seeking social assistance.
at my appointment, my social worker asked me for references to people who know about my situation at home.
i know probably nnone of you guys know me too well personally, or my home life, but i know all of you guys have been through similar situations.
Bobert ;..you have mentioned, social assistance and social worker.
Social workers in UK are usually assigned to specific situations, ie personal problems relating to self or family situations.
Perhaps you need to be more specific as to your need for help from those on this forum.
Do you for example need support to corroborate certain behaviour negative to you being unable to remain in your home, ie jw attitudes and religious discrimination which makes it impossible to remain at home?
Unfortunately if this is the case apart from sympathetic understanding empathy for your plight, it is probably those that would have first hand knowledge of your situation that would hold any sway with your social worker.
I wish you a positive outcome.
How do you feel ethically about the Governing Body?
by runForever inif something terrible were to happen to the members of the current gb would you feel bad?.
Just had a conversation with a jw at the trolley/cart.
Me;..you have a strong faith in the organisation being that you believe its led by the FDS.
He;...I wouldn't say I have a strong faith as their not a perfect org'.
Me;...so when as you believe jesus chose them by inspection in 1919, would you say he knew most of their teachings at that time were not only wrong but absolutely contrary to scriptural teaching as the consequent changes to understanding of these teachings has changed ?
He;..eh well do you believe in god?
Me;..I'd like to hear your opinion of the organisation which you believe jesus chose to represent jehovah and provide the proper food to his people on earth?
He;..do you believe in god?
Me;...please check jwfacts.com to find out what kind of organisation you say you dont have a strong faith in.
I hope he does!!
For those who have been out for 5 years or more.......
by Phizzy in........... do you find you are now far more relaxed about things ?
things in general, and things wt/jw related ?.
i find i am much more relaxed and pragmatic about life in general, mrs phizzy and i do what we can, but we don't get overly upset at what we cannot do.
I've been out for a long long time, apart from immediate family issues I'm very relaxed and generally happy with my life,
I still have freinds who have left the JWs and we can socialise without discussing much about those old days.
My resurgence of feeling I wanted to re engage with JWs has been the appearance of the trolley/cart lazy, smug blasé hand outstreched come and get your salvation here approach to ' spreading the good news ' I feel I always have to give them some ttatt to think about, and then just bid them good day.
the thought that at one time I might have participated in that activity is so foreign to me now brings a great feeling of satisfaction as I walk away from their little stall of delusion.
Best wishes.
The problems Bible believers have with Atheists is the burden of proof is on the Believer and we just do not have enough proof.
by booker-t ini recently posted a post telling this board my athesit coworker stumped me with questions about the validity of the ark story and i just cannot stop talking to her.
i love hearing her side and point of view which in the past i would have dismissed as "satanic" thinking.
she has some very good questions and i am having a hard time answering them.
Otwo...Can I join your church.. it makes more sense.I think I'm born again Lol!
The problems Bible believers have with Atheists is the burden of proof is on the Believer and we just do not have enough proof.
by booker-t ini recently posted a post telling this board my athesit coworker stumped me with questions about the validity of the ark story and i just cannot stop talking to her.
i love hearing her side and point of view which in the past i would have dismissed as "satanic" thinking.
she has some very good questions and i am having a hard time answering them.
Sitting in a man made building listening to man made music,.. nothing wrong with that.
But when did common sense become bad manners?
Best wishes
I am Back on JWN and out of hospital
by KateWild inhey everyone,.
thanks qcf and nugget for starting threads.
thanks cofty for wondering where i was.
There is ' going back ' physically and going back mentally.
Physically could be for genuine needs for your mental welfare.
Mentally going back as a need to believe,.. is a different ballgame.
I'm sure kate/Sam knows what she's doing,
Have a great relaxing holiday kiddo.
Best wishes.
The problems Bible believers have with Atheists is the burden of proof is on the Believer and we just do not have enough proof.
by booker-t ini recently posted a post telling this board my athesit coworker stumped me with questions about the validity of the ark story and i just cannot stop talking to her.
i love hearing her side and point of view which in the past i would have dismissed as "satanic" thinking.
she has some very good questions and i am having a hard time answering them.
I believe I'm an athiest;;...I have studied the ancient and revered atheistic texts, my faith in the non inspired god of non existence has strengthened my belief, so much so I am compelled to evangelise to others.
I look forward to meeting and worshipping my loving god of non existence with my fellow brothers.
We hope to publish the good news of the kingdom of the non existant god very soon and distribute world wide.
We want everyone on earth to share the joy of this non existant promise of the non existant reward for being faithful non believers.
See you all in church.
May our nongod bless us all Amen.