I recently posted a post telling this board my Athesit coworker stumped me with questions about the validity of the Ark story and I just cannot stop talking to her. I love hearing her side and point of view which in the past I would have dismissed as "Satanic" thinking. She has some very good questions and I am having a hard time answering them. She brought up another question about animals and if Jehovah and Jesus really cares about animals then why do animals kill each other. This seems to contradict what Jesus told his disciples about Jehovah caring for a sparrow when it falls. I watch the nature channel and I literally start getting teary-eyed watching the lions and tigers shred a deer in a matter of minutes. I just have to wonder does Jehovah really care about those animals getting torn to pieces? Also she brought up another excellant point when she asked me "Why does Jehovah and Jesus" always talk about forgiveness and loving your enemies when Jehovah will never forgive people he destroyed in the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah. Couldn't Jehovah just tell himself they did not know any better they died before Christ came to earth so I will give them another chance. Adam and Eve did not fully understand death and the severity of it so Jehovah could have given Adam and Eve one more chance. Every human parent will give their children chance after chance but Jehovah seems at times cold and hard. Posters what do you feel. I just love talking to my coworker but I do not ever think I will become an Atheist but I just like hearing these questions.
The problems Bible believers have with Atheists is the burden of proof is on the Believer and we just do not have enough proof.
by booker-t 68 Replies latest watchtower bible
breakfast of champions
It's nice to be able to have a discussion on a topic you don't neccesarily agree with, but with an open mind and without the WT guilt for thinking "wrong thoughts." That in itself is a liberating experience, even if you don't "change sides."
Talking with "worldy people" outside the context of trying to convert them is wonderful!
When I first started questioning WT, then the Bible, I discovered a video series on Youtube called, "The Atheist Experience". I was absolutely fascinated not only by their logic and sound reasoning, but mostly by how quickly and easily the atheists shredded the simple-minded arguments and beliefs of Christians.
I also realized that despite being a JW my entire life, I also had nagging doubts about the Bible I never had the freedom to entertain as a JW, but the atheists decimated those very same doubts with their reasoning.
In the end, while you may not come around to the other person's view, it is enlightening to learn why people believe what they do.
You should read my post called " Is there a God who gives a sh** about you". I believe in a creator and a "source", but it ain't Jeehooher of the WTBTS.
yadda yadda 2
Yes, time to grow up as a mature rational adult and just face the fact that all the miracles in ancient 'holy' scripture are nothing but superstitious fables, priest-craft to keep ancient, unscientific people in fear and submission. It's an age-old ruse that hundreds of millions of ignorant Christians, Muslims, etc still fall for today.
defender of truth
"She brought up another question about animals and if Jehovah and Jesus really cares about animals then why do animals kill each other. This seems to contradict what Jesus told his disciples about Jehovah caring for a sparrow when it falls. I watch the nature channel and I literally start getting teary-eyed watching the lions and tigers shred a deer in a matter of minutes. I just have to wonder does Jehovah really care about those animals getting torn to pieces?"
Excellent question. For a 20-page discussion of that, please read this thread from start to finish:
http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/222352/1/Theists-why-does-God-allow-suffering#.U68u_l2t-o8 -
I do not ever think I will become an Atheist - bookerT
Nobody ever makes a decision to "become an athiest" - it doesn't require a capital "A".
It isn't a club you join, there is not membership fee or entry requirements.
If you keep asking honest questions and discovering there are no good answers then maybe one day you will realise that you no longer believe in god.
Once it dawns on you that you beliefs ought to be comensurate with the evidence then you are well on your way.
Careful, you start asking questions like that, you never know where it is going to lead you.
I had a little tuxedo cat, only five and a half pounds (half the size of a normal cat), yet she was a killing machine. Bunnies, mice, voles, even an occasional prairie dog were killed and eaten, leaving only some skin, the gallbladder and ears. She would proudly leave the remains on the porch so we could see and admire her hunting skill, something we did not really appreciate very much. One summer there must have been fifteen dead baby bunnies. I hated it, but we did have an over abundance of bunnies, and she was simply following her instincts to hunt and kill.
So you have to ask yourself why God would create creatures that are only suited for killing and eating other creatures. We are omnivores, we could get by without meat, but a cat will only thrive on a meat diet. I wonder sometimes of my cats fresh meat diet was responsible for the fact that she lived to 18 years. Their teeth are also sharp, suited for eating meat, not grain. The bible says the lion will eat straw, but then why make them so well suited for eating meat in the first place?
I first questioned the Watchtower's teachings because it contradicts the Bible. Then I began to understand that one of the causes of christian divisions is the fact that the Bible is a mess. So, the contradictions in the Bible are the source of the problem.
Your cat didn't really love you; she was faking it. If she really loved you she would have brought an un-eaten rabbit/mole/vole/etc. to your doorstep and dropped it. That's love.