Welcome letts party ;..great first post, hope you have have a successful journey as you break the bonds of jw deception.
Best wishes to you and your family.
long time lurker, first time poster here finally looking to get some things off my chest.
i've always been a very curious person with tons of questions about everything, and i also care deeply particularly about societal issues like social injustice, racism, and homophobia.
that, coupled with how boneheaded all the elders in my congregation are (except for one), led me to ask even more questions that led me to find ttatt.. .
Welcome letts party ;..great first post, hope you have have a successful journey as you break the bonds of jw deception.
Best wishes to you and your family.
all throughout my life tuesdays were my meeting nights.
well tuesdays and thursdays to be more precise, when we had book study but book study was at my house so it wasn't terrible.
anyways as a kid i hated coming home from school, doing homework and then going to the meetings.
Hi kneehigh... hey tuesdays for me mostly mean an evening visit to see a few mates of mine playing rock n roll.
A couple!!of pints of real ale and a curry or kebab.
Oh yes I recall those tuesday book studies and ďrudging home in the Scottish weather.
My advice find something your really interested in to occupy your Tuesday's and recall with a wry smile how they used to be.
Best wishes.
when confronted with all of the inconsistencies and atrocities of the bible, many believers invariably claim that they don't base their faith in christ on what's written in the bible.
so what is the basis then, if not scripture?.
and please don't tell me "the lord has revealed himself to me".
Many theist believers talk about people not being perfect therefore by implication imperfect,
By what criteria is this belief to be judged?
To have imperfection there has to be a perfect standard as a benchmark comparison.
If it is the case that such a perfect standard exists, surely it has to be held to evidential scrutiny , basing it on myth and ancient legend and to a vast extent blind faith is ludicrous.
This idea that believers in this context have regarding not being perfect is a sure way of undermining human confidence from the get go, especially young minds.
I always recall the line of the hymn we used to sing as children in sunday school entitled ' jesus loves me ' which told us in no uncertain terms; "we are WEAK but he is strong ".
Not a very good confidence booster for a young mind followed by more inculcation of being sinful, not worthy unkess you bow the knee before this supernatural non..sense.
I am now very content I have a free thinking mind and not shackled to this theistic superstitious snare.
my son and i were discussing this yesterday over coffee.
since the wt society in previous years virtually demonized going on the internet at all for jw's - now wt leaders are doing a complete turn around or about face probably so as to " compete " or keep up with all the anti-jw websites that are out there to give the wt society point of view.. however- it very well may backfire on them as once people start doing google searches looking for jw.org it will bring up all the other websites dealing with any jw issues and in the privacy of their own homes out of curiosity i'm sure lots of jw's are going to want to check out some of these sites to see what all the " apostate " hoopla is all about.
i wonder how many jw's will do this and will it have an effect in opening more minds to other views ?
i just stumbled upon this photo on facebook (pic by david j. m. coleman), and as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.... .
Which situation would jesus respond to, according to to nt teachings if he came upon this scene?
one thing i would like to say is will the union jack be changed because the scottish flag is incorpreted in it.
if the union jack is changed will we change our australian flag because the union jack is in our flag?
even hawawi has the union jack also fiji and many other commonwealth countries.. .
Hi cofty ;...Is it not the case that Scotland was offerd a referendum after a mandate by democratic vote for self governance through independance?.
Was it not westminster who offered more and are now in a fankle about it?.
We shall see how it plays out.
Best wishes.
faith gives you permission to believe that jesus actually did feed thousands with a few loaves & fishes, walk on water and rise from the grave.
all the evidence proves that none of this happened so why persist with faith?
why be dishonest with yourself?
Faith is basically a ' wanting to believe ' this in itself is not always a virtue or vice.
A founded faith ie a belief or hope that an outcome will be to ones satisfaction is very prevelent in us all.
That is evidence or known circumstances should result in the desired outcome although never guaranteed.
Then there is faith unfounded but only as a need or wanting to believe even coerced through fear of judgement or punishment.
This type of faith can be either virtuous or a vice entirely depending on ones point of view.
This type of faith always has reasoning as to why the person needs it. Its coming to terms with this type of faith which a person finds very difficult as it presents a situatuon which can lead to trauma and a whole new appraisal of the purpose of their being.
I am speaking from experience, but confronting my faith and realising it was baseless has given me a happier life, not only for me but my children have benefited immensely from being frree thinkers and not bound by blind faith.
Best wishes.
one thing i would like to say is will the union jack be changed because the scottish flag is incorpreted in it.
if the union jack is changed will we change our australian flag because the union jack is in our flag?
even hawawi has the union jack also fiji and many other commonwealth countries.. .
Hi qcmbr;...The detail you have gone into and the points you make, all have relevancy and great importance to those wishing independence.
The crucial point is as country where should those decisions of governance be made, it's as simple as that.
Your argument would be strengthened if the people of Scotland at the least had by a substantial amount voted for the Westminster gov'.
This has not been the case (only one mp at present )therefore the VAST majority are not represented.
As democracy is the political system by which most agree is the best way of governance, how can anyone deny it's right to self determination.
As I have said the the grumblings of dissent are increasing by the minute, which would have continued even if Scotland had voted yes.
As it is we have to once again wait for a government the Scottish people vastly did not vote for to dole out our lot.
I don't see this as a slight on the rest of the uk , I have many connections which I treasure.
It entirely about democracy. The present and future political wranglings will be of great interest and effect to us all.
Best wishes to you.
one thing i would like to say is will the union jack be changed because the scottish flag is incorpreted in it.
if the union jack is changed will we change our australian flag because the union jack is in our flag?
even hawawi has the union jack also fiji and many other commonwealth countries.. .
Hi gregor ;.. you are more than welcome to beautiful Scotland, ' there's always a welcome in the hillside and a welcome in the glen '.
Best wishes , hope yer fond o' a wee dram.
one thing i would like to say is will the union jack be changed because the scottish flag is incorpreted in it.
if the union jack is changed will we change our australian flag because the union jack is in our flag?
even hawawi has the union jack also fiji and many other commonwealth countries.. .
Hi qcmbr;...your explaining exactly why many Scots wanted independence;... IE Look after our own affairs and not have to be as you so kindly put it be whining kids.
Arguably the greatest union the world has ever seen is cracking at the seams.
Perhaps you need to look closer beneath the veneer to understand why Scotland sought independence.
Best wishes.