The solution is to ban these words !! Lol
JoinedPosts by galaxie
Words that irritate
by punkofnice ini have words that irritate me and not always without reason.. my latest hate is the word: 'solutions' as used by so many businesses in their title these days.
y'know, 'something innane business solutions' and such balderdash.. i loathe that word now.
Millerites, Jehovahs Witnesses and Purple Triangles
by Simon ini came across this after posting another iq video to a different topic.
interesting how much the jehovahs witnesses are featured ... but it is because they are a millenial cult with failed rapture prophecies:.
Stephen fry is obviously being influenced by satan to cast a bad light on jehovahs true organisation.
How dare he tell the truth!!!
by Viva la Vida inthe answer to this question is not that easy or obvious as you might think.
if your answer is "creationists" you are wrong, they are evolutionists a rare breed of evolutionists, but evolutionists at last .. at this stage of my argumentation you might think i have lost my mind for stating jehovahs witnesses are evolutionists, but this might be because you are thinking as the wt has taught you to think.
the wt has presented a distorted view of the theory of evolution.
They are undoubtedly both ;..they create bullsh...t then evolve it into a bigger pile of bullsh...t !!!
Why I Am An Angry Atheist
by Joe Grundy inwhy i am an angry atheist.
(i never was a jw, but the basics were not so different).. .
i was brought up (raised, for my us friends) in an off-shoot of the plymouth brethren gospel hall culture.
Hi joe...your anger is obviously directed to the hypocrisy of these people, who in essence were ' deceivers '.
You will be content you were able to see through the sham.
The parallels with watchtower are obvious, we can only hope more wake up to their deliberate deception which keeps so many ensnared .
Hope your anger calms and you are able to go forward positively.
Best wishes another atheist.
Read above the outlined section. How prophetic;...conveying ideas by printers ink has furnished the opportunity for much cheating and lying......I wonder who that could be then...Mnnnnn oh yes the wbts.
Do you remember the 15 minute break at the Sun. meeting?
by 3rdgen ina poster on another thread reminded me of when there was a 15 min.
break between the talk and the wt study on sundays.
the break was supposed to be to allow jw's time to drive their bible studys home from the talk.
Hi 3rdgen..... tongue firmly in cheek!!
Do you remember the 15 minute break at the Sun. meeting?
by 3rdgen ina poster on another thread reminded me of when there was a 15 min.
break between the talk and the wt study on sundays.
the break was supposed to be to allow jw's time to drive their bible studys home from the talk.
Hey you guys nostalgia rules...How about forming the the retro 50s/60s tribute religion repreaching the old light.
Think of the fun and discussion s regurgitating the old beliefs !!..Everyone welcome 15 min interval for those wishing to escape !! Lol
Mental Disorders among JW's
by Blackfalcon98 inhi everyone, im begining to notice patterns of mental issues in the congregations and among the witnesses as a group.
do you think this is a trend in the entire world or is it exagerated in this organization?.
How realistically can a persons mental state not be affected by the brainwashing drivel fed to them.
How does a person who cannot think for themselves, question beliefs , be in fear of demons, shun loved ones , accept noooo light even though their previous hopes are shattered.
Women be in subjection to overbearing ass and Not be mentally affected.
I have witnessed the deterioration and currently in a situation family wise because of it.
I am not qualified to diagnose, but that's my take on it through experience.
I'm tired of the org misquoting scholars to support there heretical NWT
by yogosans14 inday after day jws are constantly fighting with me over the internet that the nwt is the most accurate translation and then they prove it by quoting scholars from the watchtower magazines.
they tell me i'm biased and there rendering of john 1:1 as "a god" is approved by scholars but i have researched there so called "supporters" and i have found they have tooken what they said out of context to twist the scriptures to there liking.. .
dr. julius r. mantey (who is even recognized by the watchtower as a greek scholar since they quote his book on page 1158 of their kingdom interlinear translation): calls the watchtower translation of john 1:1 "a grossly misleading translation.
Amen Phizzy !!
I'm tired of the org misquoting scholars to support there heretical NWT
by yogosans14 inday after day jws are constantly fighting with me over the internet that the nwt is the most accurate translation and then they prove it by quoting scholars from the watchtower magazines.
they tell me i'm biased and there rendering of john 1:1 as "a god" is approved by scholars but i have researched there so called "supporters" and i have found they have tooken what they said out of context to twist the scriptures to there liking.. .
dr. julius r. mantey (who is even recognized by the watchtower as a greek scholar since they quote his book on page 1158 of their kingdom interlinear translation): calls the watchtower translation of john 1:1 "a grossly misleading translation.
Im tired of the significance given to this claptrap.
These mind games concerning scripural translation and meaniing will keep interested parties wrapped up in a maze of deviation which detracts from the important realities of life.
Best wishes.