Hi possum..I too had a trolley/cart conversation a couple of days ago. I approached the subject of the gb member (Jackson ) at the Australian enquiry into child abuse issues, the 'brother' denied all knowledge of it. My point was concerning his statement (jackson) that it would be presumptuous of him to claim the gb /faithful slave was gods channel of communication for the 'domestics'. Now at this point the brother starts to lecture me about being humble!! This retort is his way of gaining the upper hand by intimating that my 'proud attitude' ie asking pertinent questions is not to his liking. I find this immediately sets up a tension and frustration in the conversation because he has formed a barrier . He than goes on with an illustration about a ship steering in the fog and veering of course but eventually as the fog clears the ship gets back on course Aaaaaaaargh its really hard to keep your composure. I then asked him if there was any new light concerning the length of 'creative days' he stumbled about mumbling and said " I'll have to get back to you on that"?meanwhile he offers me a bible teach book which I did accept, not to be discourteous . Trolley/cart conversations can be a hit or miss affair and most times I feel I leave them with a good helping of ttatt and a seed planted which may one day see them free of the mind shackles which ensnare them.
Best wishes.