(((((Lady Lee)))))
I'm at a loss for words, which is rare for me... I love to write. I write about anything and everything, everyone and every feeling... I lost a lot of my writings when I was 20... burned them... I think I was trying to burn a lot of pain and hurt away... it didn't work, but I didn't know that then... When I ran into this board not too long ago, a good friend of yours, jgnat, pointed me to a few special people that may be able to help me... You were one of them, and jgnat was right... I haven't added a lot yet to your posts, but like BT found out later, someones reading them... ALL OF THEM ! You offer a very unique gift for those that wish to receive it...
I finally realize what burning my writings really did... It set me back 20 years...
Keep writing... Keep sharing... Keep teaching... Keep living...