Sounds more like a magazine peddler than a preacher of the good news, of course having a bible discussion would take away too much time from sales, and its tough to follow up a bible chat by asking for a donation. Maybe afraid some would donate a size 13 up his wazoo.
JoinedPosts by potleg
Door-to-door JW's rang my bell today.
by OnTheWayOut inso i live in a predominantly spanish neighborhood.
i primarily speak english.. i am not listed on the terrritory cards that i know of, but i should be because i .
have answered the door and told them i was already a jw in xxxx (foreign lang.).
Why don't they encourage education?
by reficul ini was born into the religion and 3 years ago on april 1st decided to move out i haven't gone since.
i moved out live on my own decided to go to college.
i remember the meetings it was never encouraged to go to college why i ask.
Fundamentally, the big wags at the top are a bunch of uneducated drivel dispensing control freaks.
The more a person is educated and learns to think and reason, the more you will see the Watchtower message, lifestyle and values are like a broken pencil - Pointless.
Of course this will not do, so they throw in the devil, who of course is prowling every campus and all kinds of other nasty stuff to keep the WT surfs in superstitious fear and ignorance.
New Special Talk Outline: #170 Who Is Qualified to Rule Mankind.pdf
by Scully inthanks to alphaomega for this most recent gift to jwd members!.
who is qualified to rule mankind?.
because the link is dependent on download activity, feel free to be fruitful and multiply download and propagate so this outline reaches as many people as possible..
So let's see...Jesus throws satan to the earth, where satan then does all kinds of rotten stuff to the unsuspecting people who were just minding there own business..Hmm Sounds a bit lke throwing a rabid badger into a classroom full of 5 year olds...
If this really is the case (sounds loony to me) then wouldn't JESUS take a big part of the blame for the world going into the toilet?
Hold on... I've just checked out life before 1914 and it doesn't look all that great either. Mongul pilagers sweeping across Asia and Europe, the fall of Rome, the black death, inquisition, life expectancy of 35, 50% infant mortality, slavery, no votes or property rights for women, children in coal mines...
We still have a way to go, but on balance I think I'll stick with the 21st century thank you.
i'm being attacked from all angles
by Cordelia inthink my family friends have been in ca hootes!!
i been doing great for this past year, but made mistake of going memorial.
and now being hit from all angles.
Stand up, Stand firm Stay out. Give them an an inch and they want to take 23 miles. Sounds like you like life better now, take a deep breath, smile and say something like "thanks, but no thanks"
NO and NO. I made a conscious decision to check things out and then get out. The leaders in the WT have made a decision to stay in and manipulate reality and the bible to their own ends.
Maybe I was a victim when I was a kid and maybe brother and sister Airhead who never check things out but sit through mind numbing meetings, smiling with nodding heads and open wallets (exactly what the Society wants) are victims. But not me, not now.
The Watchtower Society Shows Their True Colors Again
by TooBad TooSad inin the new may awake magazine there is an article "is philanthropy the answer?
i knew what the answer.
was going to be before i even read it.
The Watchtower Society's true colours are balck with a white stripe down the a stinky old skunk.
I know if real skunks could read they'd be insulted by this comparison . Sorry. At least thier animal stench comes off alot easier than having the WT efluvium sprayed all over you from before you learned how to say...Do I smell a rat in here.
Why Jesus didnt address the Father as Jehovah?
by Tino insince the jehovah witnesses claim that god must always be referred to jehovah and the fact that others don't do this proves jehovah's witnesses are the only true church, why is god not always identified as jehovah in the bible?
why did jesus not address the father as jehovah?.
He didn't call him Jehovah because he was't a Jehovahs Whitless. And anyway, Jesus" pals didn't even call Jesus - Jesus, instead they used some ancient Hebrew monica that I'm not even going to try and pronounce. (I wonder if JC had a nickname when he was a kid?)
But getting back to the Jehovah / Father thingy....
I know my old dad would be pi**ed of if I started calling him Sid. I think he'd say something like..."Have more bloody respect for your old man." And maybe it's the same with Jesus... calling Jehovah, Jehovah might just get him a thick ear.
What's wrong with the WTBS in a nushell.
by JeffT ini realized the other morning that it was twenty years ago that i started my exit.
at the spring 1988 circuit assembly (i think it was in february or march) they absolutely hammered on the point that higher ed was a waste of time.
armageddon was going to happen any day now and there was no point in preparing for life in system that was about to end.
They're NUTS and it's HELL = NUTSHELL It's a Nut's Hell
WHAT if we're wrong?
by shell69 ini mean, i know i'm bitter.. normally these days quite strong, not feeling so much so much the last few days though.. what i'd give to do the things i was used to.
going doing the weekly shop with my mum, her popping round for a brew in the morning.. a hug from her, just to to know from the way she communicated with me, that she loved me.
i miss her so much.. and what if i'm wrong?.
Condemning your kids to death..ouch, for what? Not going to Joe Hoovers misery fests 25 times a week (hey if they can be dramatic and tell porky pies so can I)
Listen, If JW's were right paradise would have been here a long time ago. All they can respond with is "yes, but" blah blah new light Blah blah worst times blah blah yada yada
Translation: we don't know what the hell we're talking about, but we'll put the fear of god in 'em so they dont scarper.
Not me, I think I'll wander down to the hole...I mean Hall and offer up my but in reply.
Family is driving me nuts... Elder driving me nuts - My 1st rant...
by cognac inso, my family won't leave me alone about my ptsd.
my sister calls me at my work cause she wants me to go to some natural reflexology place or something yesturday.. my mother calls me twice last night.
i call her back today.
Try not to get sucked down into their vacuous vortex of drivel. Imagine... If they collar you maybe give them a vacant look and slowly, at just the right moment say something off the wall like...there's a lot of wether in Africa...followed up by...I have to go now and rub lard on the cat's boil.
Just thinking about this stuff makes me laugh. Imagine the elders expression.
Maybe you and Mr. Hubby can brainstorm other ridiculous replies...Laughter really is the best medicine, especially after 3 or 4 Jack and Cokes.