At this very moment I'm listening to Pink Floyd, RUN LIKE HELL. I'm glad I did and advise anybody in the WT to do the same.
JoinedPosts by potleg
What Song Describes Your Mood Right Now?
by momzcrazy ini'll share kenny chesney you save me.
How many borg members believe the genocide teaching?
by ldrnomo injust wondering, most members i've talked to over the years including me did not really think jehovah was going to destroy everyone that was not a jw or even half of everyone who was not a dub.
even a prominent elder in the cong i was in didn't buy that teaching (probabley because his daughter was not in) .
so how many do you think believe this teaching?
I think most JW's believe it but are very uncomfortable with it so they like to shut those thoughts out of their minds. From my oservations within my family certain ones believe that at the end of days the unbelieving members will get a jolt of reality and on come in.
Has the society toned down this part of their message over the past few years....I think so, but watch out because with their membership retention problems it's time to weild the big A stick again. I think there's a shift towards the hard line again, infact I believe it's already started. Gov. Body reps talking about radiation and tsunamis are just the begining.
Rejected by best friend
by Samuel Thorsen inmy best friend for many years says he can't see me anymore because i tear down what he tries to build up.
(his faith for j-dubism.).
i am inactive but not df-ed and this guy is a ms but he is really to smart to not see the borg bull$h!t.
Yeah, maybe you can agree to disagree for right now. Perhaps if he sees you functioning well and happily outside the Org it will pique his curiosity. However, as you know the Org considers you (and most of us here) to be a bad associates and he may feel under pressure to abandon the friendship you once had.
As you say, he is smart, but is he strong enough to get up, look up, check things out for himself, and hopefully leave?
"I didn't know I could still function!!"
by hamsterbait inthe dc program for this year includes talks on overcoming discouragement due to "tiredness".. i assume this is not the "i need to put my feet up with a coffee" kind of tiredness.. in readiness for the propaganda, i note a quote in the june 15 witchtower p6:.
"i tearfully and fervently thanked jehovah for all his help.
i did not know it was possible to keep functioning for so long while being so weak from exhaustion.
Hey there all you lowly ones....You've got to move faster and do says the Watchtower.
When your old donkey is buckling at the knees and having a tough time moving you can either, a) lighten the load, or b) get a bigger stick and beat him some more.
Right now I bet the Governing Body is working hard on a custom made whopper of a stick complete with all kinds of guilt, threats and pointy things.
Now all you who are still in, there is a third option...stop, drop the load, stand up straight and (figuratively) kick the hell out of the man with the big stick. Now that feels good.
Who was it who spoke about loads being refreshing and light? Maybe JW's are working for the wrong boss.
Is Satan actually the good guy, and Jehovah the evil usurper?
by 10p ina few years ago i read genesis again, and with a more objective mind, got the sense that satan was actually telling the truth, and that god was just trying to have humans be his slaves.
and god's reign over humans hasn't been all that pretty, in fact, its been downright awful.. 'course, i'm atheist now, so i wouldn't believe it even that way around - not literally anyway.
but i wondered if the writer/editors of genesis may have actually had this thought.. anyone know of any sources that explore this idea in depth?.
The whole good vs.evil court case drama put out by the WT is a bunch of bull, but that aside, look at the pictures of armageddon and the descriptions of what god is going to do and tell me it's not evil. If you had an animal that was sick you wouldn' treat it the way god is going to deal with humans. And for what?
Really what god tells people is, you have the freedom to choose who you worship, but if you don't choose me and give me all your devotion I'm going to kill you in the most wretched way possible.
If people do bad things because of satans influence then why isn't satan removed to give the earth dwellers a chance? Wouldn't that make sense?
God is wise, loving, just and righteous...NOT He's more like Hitler according to the WT scenario, get rid of the sub humans that don't measure up. Why there's even a special name for them...worldly. Watch out because if your'e worldly you won't survive the great religious cleansing to come. It's sick.
get rich quick schemes, multilevel marketing, pyramid schemes and JWs
by marmot infrom my experience growing up in the jws there were two big recurring themes when it came to making money: .
1 - window washing or other janitorial work .
2 - cheezy "get rich quick" schemes and other cult-like sales practices .
I got suckered into a couple, never made a penny. The last big thing I remember was long distance calling cards. I did the herbal thing too. I seem to remember it made my pee turning green. Maybe it was because I drank the whole bottle instead ot 2 teaspoons full.
Why isn't God anxious to bring the New System?
by JH inif i had a nice gift to give to someone, i wouldn't wait thousands of years to give it........
He's had a very,very senior moment and locked himself in the bog...silly old bugger.
No Global Warming as Temperatures Drop
by What-A-Coincidence in
short version: global temperatures will drop slightly this year as a result of the cooling effect of the la nina current in the pacific, un meteorologists have said.
the world meteorological organizations secretary-general, michel jarraud, told the bbc it was likely that la nina would continue into the summer.. this would mean global temperatures have not risen since 1998, prompting some to question climate change theory.. but experts say we are still clearly in a long-term warming trend - and they forecast a new record high temperature within five years.. the wmo points out that the decade from 1998 to 2007 was the warmest on record.
Think of all the hot air and methane emitted by the governing body. If they'd just keep their traps shut the whole world would be better off.
tough seminar, emotionally charged
by chickpea ini am just finished with day 1 of a 2 day training seminar with the state chapter of madd...... sitting in a room of 30 people, fully one third have lost a first degree relative in a drunk driving collision.
the women i sat between had each lost a son..... one's son would have been 31 next week had he not been killed at 1 and the other lost her 18 year old son 2 years ago, an elite football player, honor roll student well liked and deeply mourned by his schoolmates, coaches and teachers..... killed by a serial offender who never finished highschool .... two other teens were seriously injured but survived.... he was sentenced to 26 years...... my state, the self-proclaimed beer and bratwurst capitol of the world, is dead last in the dots report on progress being made in reduction of alcohol related deaths from traffic collisions.
Let me live in the land of the "cheese heads". Me too.
Do you know Jacob Leinenkugel?
Another proof that these are the end times...
by Nathan Natas incheck this out!
Were they created this way or did they evolve?