JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
Epigenetics and Why Women are Stripey
by cofty intake five minutes to learn something new today.... here is a very brief introduction to epigenetics with an interesting practical example.. ....
...meanwhile on the fascinating topic of genetics...Sorry, english is not my native language and sometimes I find myself realizing that I not getting the meaning of certain phrases. What exactly does the above mean? -
Epigenetics and Why Women are Stripey
by cofty intake five minutes to learn something new today.... here is a very brief introduction to epigenetics with an interesting practical example.. ....
As far as I have read, it can even mean the way you treat or are treated by others. Emotions are said to have an effect on epigenetics, including our relationships and the way we interact with our loved ones. Is not necessarily all that impossible. There is this thing called philematology or also known as the science of the kiss. It attempts to explain that there is a level of hormonal exchange between people when they kiss. Other fields, which I can not remember the name of, also attempt to explain the same exchange in other gestures, like holding hands. So I understand that philematology and epigenetics are not the same things, but it explains mechanisms of interaction with the outside world that are not fully understood.
Epigenetics and Why Women are Stripey
by cofty intake five minutes to learn something new today.... here is a very brief introduction to epigenetics with an interesting practical example.. ....
I have nothing but praise to those who have contributed to the research and the countless hours put into it. Unfortunately, it is my experience that the outcomes of research don't necessarily reflect on patient care. At the end, the medical field will pick and choose what treatments to adopt. This most likely happen in a trickle down fashion. I have to admit though that my experience on this is limited to a more localized environment. I have worked in the hospital field. One of these hospitals is well known in the area and, as per a famous political magazine, it became a topic of discussion at the white house during the ACA debate. While i was only in IT, I worked with almost every department to prepare database systems for each of their functions. I have participated on certain medical studies conducted in this hospital by means of assisting the doctors conducting the research. I helped determine how to best store and analyze the information from an IT perspective. After participating in those meetings, I can tell you that if you were a fly on that wall, you would never want a doctor to touch you again without consulting with 3 or 4 others. People have doctors on pedestals and while I am grateful for their service, I also am aware that they are human beings. I don't want to generalize but my memory as a child of what a doctor is like, a vocation doctor, and the doctors of today, are two different things. The researchers may have the best of intention and hopefully have not bias when they conduct research but the medical field in general does not adopt every one of the news techniques or recommendations provided by the research. Issues that affect their decision on this can go a number of way but they are almost always grounded in financials. The CFO in this case had as much decision power as the CMO on the types of treatments they will accept. I would understand that this is not necessarily the case at higher levels of the medical field. I am not criticizing doctors for wanting to make smart financial or career choices. This is just the way they are educated. I am criticizing the medical practice in general because it doesn't necessarily put patients first.
As far as social evolution, I have to respectfully disagree. I believe the way be behave as a society and the things we allow or not allow to happen as a society cause ripple effects on the future of human race. Think about what would have happened if, for example, Alan Turing would have been allowed to continue his work without judgement? Martin Luther? How many others like them have died without realizing their full potential or any support? Off course, as I try to compare it to biological evolution, is a slow process. One human being can not easily make a huge change.
On the last topic, I meant to refer to their belief that the "sins" were coming to get them but in reality, it could be said that the way they behaved had an actual effect on their life. Is all along the same theme. Is the same way that many of the "old wives' tales" of the past, are coming back now and in some cases science is finding an explanation for them and they actually work.
Sorry. I felt a need to clarify because I felt misunderstood.
Watch Tower Society owns web domains: and
by Gilgamesh in(my apologies if this was already discussed somewhere else.).
i noticed that the domain was taken, and when i tested it, it was a mirror of the log in portion of the site, where you can look up assemblies, kingdom halls, and make either one time or recurring donations.
so i created an account there (you can use fake form information as long as it's a real email address for email verification).
They would be pretty naive to think that a simple domain name would circumvent an internet ban, especially one that comes from a government with control of the local ISPs. Although I guess that considering the price of a domain is not a bad alternative to have. I would think that Russia would demand its ISPs that they block at more than just the dns level. -
Watch Tower Society owns web domains: and
by Gilgamesh in(my apologies if this was already discussed somewhere else.).
i noticed that the domain was taken, and when i tested it, it was a mirror of the log in portion of the site, where you can look up assemblies, kingdom halls, and make either one time or recurring donations.
so i created an account there (you can use fake form information as long as it's a real email address for email verification).
What I find myself wondering more is why would they want to snatch such domain name? What value can it have? May be I am missing the obvious here. -
Epigenetics and Why Women are Stripey
by cofty intake five minutes to learn something new today.... here is a very brief introduction to epigenetics with an interesting practical example.. ....
This might well be part of the mechanics of evolution. There is no doubt there is social evolution just as much as there is biological evolution. If you can find a way to reconcile both, then you have an even more complex mechanism by which we decide the faith of humanity one little action at a time.
Off course the above assumes that the extent to which epigenetic plays a role is a fact, but the idea is not far fetched.
Cognitive Dissonance
by LexIsFree inthe cognitive dissonance amongst jws has never been more obvious to me then what i just experience in the last 5 min.
long story short i had a phone conversation w/my mom about some things and i mentioned to her to look up what has been going on with their beloved organization in australia.
brother geoffrey jackson of the holy governing body was caught lying numerous times about several subjects including disassociations & shunning.
I was having a discussion with some self proclaimed JWs over at jw-archive this past week. I found it interesting that this person was well aware of all the bad rap given to JWs regarding their cultish behavior and its foundations. One of them being cognitive dissonance. He or she is convinced that the term is misapplied and that is a matter of perspective. In her or his view, we are the ones suffering the dissonance. -
Epigenetics and Why Women are Stripey
by cofty intake five minutes to learn something new today.... here is a very brief introduction to epigenetics with an interesting practical example.. ....
That is very good information. I became aware of the science of epigenetics a couple of years ago. I started researching in alternative medicine and fitness. Turns out there is a good amount of doctors and scientists that have been pointing to this as evidence that we are indeed what we eat and what we do or feel. Made me wonder about the whole understanding people had during biblical times regarding the sins of their fathers coming to get them later. I also became very aware of the role hormones play in our everyday life. No matter if you are male or female. The exciting part about this is the potential it has for reversing those pesky deceases that we get from our parents. Cancer, diabetes, etc. I doubt it though, that the medical field is going to invest the time and money this field deserves. There is no money in taking care of people. Modern medicine does not cure root causes, it manages symptoms. -
New convention theme
by StarTrekAngel injust wanted to post here real quick, as many have joked about it.
we had an announcement in our cong last week about the upcoming one day assembly.
the title of the assembly is "imitate jehovah".
Just wanted to post here real quick, as many have joked about it. We had an announcement in our cong last week about the upcoming one day assembly. The title of the assembly is "Imitate Jehovah". We will have it in September. -
Dear Church, Here's Why People are Really Leaving You
by Captain Schmideo2 inso, without one ounce, one iota of self-reflection and irony, a witness i've known since childhood posted this on her facebook page: quotes from this article:"church, i know how much you despise the word tolerance, but right now, i really need you to tolerate me; to tolerate those of us who, for all sorts of reasons you may feel arent justified, are struggling to stay.
""if someone is frustrated, telling them that theyre wrong to be frustrated is, well, pretty freakin only breeds distance.. if someone shares that their heart is hurting, they dont want to hear that theyre not right to be hurt.. its a conversation-stopper.
"dear lord, do they actually read what they post?.
Is that eternal conundrum.. the sort of things that you could compare to "This new girlfriend I have cheated on her husband to be with me, because she loves me. But she would never do that to me.... yeah right!"