Everyone has something, poor or not. Wether is time, access to others, access to land or political influence at any level (high or low). In order of importance, they need people first, lots of people. Having a handful of rich individuals is good, but they also need to diversify. They don't care how many people they have to squeeze. Wether you get a dollar from a rich guy or a poor guy, it still a dollar. The video is already made, so if you get a dollar every time you play it again, why not?
Having lived most of my life in South America (can not disclose country at this time) and having the chance to visit fairly often, I can tell you that the insecurity is reaching levels comparable to those in Mexico. Consider this in contrast with the fact that Mexico borders the US and such border is one of the hottest when it comes to illegal activities. People are getting desperate and have lost most faith in their governments. The only hope left at the end of their list is spirituality. Hoping that a superhero would come to their rescue.
In addition to that, the more socialist governments in South America are more than ever recurring to tactics not seen since the years of the dictators (Pinochet, etc). People are getting scared into submission by the media and convicted felons are being taken in buses to presidential speeches to show mass support in the media. They are creating a plethora of social programs to buy support. This goes beyond giving foods stamps. People are getting free directv service with paid subscriptions to sport channels. Free TVs, free computers, etc. Somewhere in there, a church is bound to benefit from this perks, especially when you couple this with a need for hope in a better future.
I also have plenty of friends and family in Mexico. I am not as acquainted on the political situation there as I am with the situation in SA but being in the border, we do get all the news. I know similar social programs are available but what I really wonder about Mexico is this. How soon before the org begins to be so noticeable that the gangs begin demanding protection money from the K halls? They are already doing it with businesses and business owners are fleeing to the US. In the RGV we already have plenty of restaurants that were staples from "across the bridge" but became out of reach for the US residents once the violence settled in.