JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
Hot New Ford GT, and the GB!!
by DwainBowman inok, i was reading a story about fords new ford gt, one hot extreme muscle car.
the story tells about how a car like this normally takes 6 or more years from, first scratches on paper to finished project.
their small handful of specialist, pulled it off in 2. and right until it was finished, no one out side of the small circle of people (about 25 people ) really knew anything, except something special was in the works!.
I believe the quick builds are one of many cases where is evident, that despite the faith being real or not, humanity can achieve great things when greed and selfishness are removed from the picture. When we all are convinced that we are working on something bigger than us for the common good of the community, we are unstoppable. -
Deconstructing Splanes 'Generation' explanation
by Splash inat around 4 minutes into the september 2015 video splane said "for the man and the baby to be part of josephs generation they would have had to have lived at least some time during joseph's lifespan.".
this is the lynchpin of the wt argument, that two lives must overlap to be considered the same generation.. let's take an example of twins who are born just a few minutes apart.
obviously, these twins are the same generation as each other.
I think most people don't really believe it but their cognitive dissonance makes them feel they simply don't understand it. I would not be surprised if such explanations are mostly made for borderline R&F who tend to question and scrutinize everything but are just too indoctrinated to do their own research. Most R&F are probably happy to be fulfilling Mat 24:14.
On topic, Jesus certainly was not vague about "this" generation. The importance of the generation has nothing to do with their overlap. If it did, then other examples would reflect something similar. If no other similar examples are found in the bible, then are there examples to the contrary? I believe there is.
We don't have to overextend on researching WT doctrine on the matter, but we are familiar with the parallels drawn between the deliverance of the Israelites and the one that JWs expect. The generation that left Egypt was made up of people of all ages. Likely several generations of people.
After failing to uphold their faith, in spite of having witnessed their rescue from Egypt, God condemns them by telling them they would be in the dessert for 40 years before ever entering the promise land. God had already tried to eliminate them all as he told Moises in Exodus 32:10 but Moises begged God to spare them. Wouldn't it make sense to let even the youngest of those generations die in the dessert of old age without seeing the promise fulfilled? So God did not burn them all in a second, but wasn't the outcome the same? In other words, none of the generations that witnessed the events of passover and such (Or where old enough to understand at least) seemed to have made it to the promise land. Witnessing, I believe is the keyword, not only on this accounts but in the case of Jesus' words as well as the bible as a whole. Witnessing and having proof of things has been a determining factor in many of the most significant events in the bible. Therefore I can not accept the overlapping generation teaching because the second crowd did not witness the "Events of 1914".
Sometimes I feel they are not even good liars. There are so many other things the could pin to their explanation to make it stand better ground but they are so fixated on this generation thing.
What The Hell Couples
by Clambake inpenny and leonard.
billy bob thorton and anglie jolie.
lyle lovett / julia roberts.
Yes, it definitely speaks of two people who care not about looks. I am also sure the situation feeds insecurity, for small that it may be. Either way, the point here is that we all know that most likely this JW couples are less likely to be with each other because of real feelings and more likely because of the influence of the org on where to look for partners. Not denying that true love does happen in this way. We are just talking probabilities.
In my opinion, we evolved to look for beauty in every aspect. Is a survival mechanism. It is well know that, for example, certain silent diseases (like liver and other intestinal and hormonal issues) can reflect in the skin and the overall appearance of a person. In evolutionary terms, we would be programmed to look for the healthiest and strongest mate available thru their outside appearance. Once we poor love into the equation, then having a friendly relationship with someone we are not attracted to, can lead to further involvement, thus confirming that we can not love what we don't know. It is my opinion as well that we could potentially fall in love with anyone, if given enough time to get to know them. Is just that we do not give ourselves that chance, we just tend to follow beauty.
What The Hell Couples
by Clambake inpenny and leonard.
billy bob thorton and anglie jolie.
lyle lovett / julia roberts.
LOL. Yeah. Not to say that looks is all that matter but it is a rather strange sight. My wife and I are not necessarily Kent and Barbie but I think what shocks the most is sometimes the difference.
We had a couple like that in our circuit. Some of their close relatives attend our hall to this day. He looked like about 400 lbs and she looked like a goddess. He was deemed a pretty spiritual person so I guess she got talked into it being the best way to pick a mate. We would only see them at assemblies but no matter how many times we saw them, the same question always came to our mind. How do they do it???
I hear word now that she left him and it was a pretty nasty affair. I would refrain from giving details but apparently she left him over a post it note.
Today's JWs
by jws inso i posted earlier in the year that one of my son's friends is a jw.
he can never do anything on wednesdays because it's a meeting night.
same for sunday early afternoons.
I don't believe is common but at the same time is not unheard of. I think today is not necessarily flat out prohibited, but sure the father would not advance as quick in the congregation if their children are doing things that are frowned upon.
My brother in law is an exemplary christian in almost every aspect of the JW lexicon. He has been so for many years. I wish I could spill some details but the guy is bullet proof. Such lifestyle has cost him dearly in many aspects of his life. Yet they would not even make him a ministerial servant because his older son is very quite and unsocial with the brothers. The son had no spiritual goals or demonstrated any desire to do anything. He had the hardest time even getting him to participate in the ministry school. However, as soon as the kid turned 18, he was off the hook from his damnation and they made him a MS within 6 months of his son turning 18. Something similar could happen to a father who's children are not following WT advice to the letter.
The elderly sisters are at it again.
by John Aquila inawhile back, about a year and a half ago, when i was starting to wake up, i explained to my mom that when the circuit overseer is in town, they schedule shepherding calls after lunch, not because they care, but because they dont want to work door to door in the hot summer or cold winter.
and they know that a prepared call means some nice hot chocolate and cookies or some ice cold tea and snacks.
i remember her looking at me kind of funny so i ended the conversation and left it at that, and never brought it up again.
You are right about not keeping your words whenever possible. There are a few things that can be pointed out without sounding too apostate. The CO arrangement is one of them. One thing I always mention when someone speaks of how Paul had to work for a leaving is "Sure he did, but somehow the COs are not able to cut their own grass" or "Somehow the brothers that record the songs have to pay their own tickets to NY twice a year but the CO can't clean his own apartment" -
WE NEED MORE MONEY! (Letter sent to Mexico re: JW Broadcasting of May 2015).
by avaddohn94 ini don't know if they're making similar arrangements in other parts of the world but below you will find the letter (and the translation attempt) they're sending to all the congregations in mexico and central america asking them to modify their september 21 and september 28 service meeting programs.. after watching jackson's gold apple watch and lett's pinky ring one can only assume they are a bunch of brazen, shameless and greedy bastards!.
the letter has already been uploaded at the spanish forum and you can find it if you click here or see the attached picture.. the translation "attempt" is as follows:.
august 1, 2015. to all congregations.
Everyone has something, poor or not. Wether is time, access to others, access to land or political influence at any level (high or low). In order of importance, they need people first, lots of people. Having a handful of rich individuals is good, but they also need to diversify. They don't care how many people they have to squeeze. Wether you get a dollar from a rich guy or a poor guy, it still a dollar. The video is already made, so if you get a dollar every time you play it again, why not?
Having lived most of my life in South America (can not disclose country at this time) and having the chance to visit fairly often, I can tell you that the insecurity is reaching levels comparable to those in Mexico. Consider this in contrast with the fact that Mexico borders the US and such border is one of the hottest when it comes to illegal activities. People are getting desperate and have lost most faith in their governments. The only hope left at the end of their list is spirituality. Hoping that a superhero would come to their rescue.
In addition to that, the more socialist governments in South America are more than ever recurring to tactics not seen since the years of the dictators (Pinochet, etc). People are getting scared into submission by the media and convicted felons are being taken in buses to presidential speeches to show mass support in the media. They are creating a plethora of social programs to buy support. This goes beyond giving foods stamps. People are getting free directv service with paid subscriptions to sport channels. Free TVs, free computers, etc. Somewhere in there, a church is bound to benefit from this perks, especially when you couple this with a need for hope in a better future.
I also have plenty of friends and family in Mexico. I am not as acquainted on the political situation there as I am with the situation in SA but being in the border, we do get all the news. I know similar social programs are available but what I really wonder about Mexico is this. How soon before the org begins to be so noticeable that the gangs begin demanding protection money from the K halls? They are already doing it with businesses and business owners are fleeing to the US. In the RGV we already have plenty of restaurants that were staples from "across the bridge" but became out of reach for the US residents once the violence settled in.
need input: My wife is at it again...this time about the faithful and discreet slave
by goingthruthemotions inso you all know that i go with my wife to the meeting to protect the kids from the drival and pacify her.
tonight we are sitting there and she points to mathew and says something about the faithful and discreet slave and she said eplain this.
so breaking away from what i was reading in the meeting..." in search of christian freedom by franz"...i said.
Definitely this irrational thinking has nothing to do with your/our spouses self. Is undue influence at its best. Give them a break. Keep reminding yourself that this isn't the personality you fell in love with. Its hard, I know cuz I go thru the same things sometimes. Try and not rationalize in yourself that she/he is stupid or can think for herself. His/Her ability to do so is there, is just been deactivated.
Doing more research in the bible, it becomes very evident that despite being called "witnesses" we put very little attention to the countless times that men of bible times demanded proof or witness from God himself. Churches have exploited the "we go by faith not by sight" and "happy are those who believe without seeing", twisting the meaning and taking it out of context to manipulate people to quash their doubts. Just like you compared gospels to show that the FDS was an illustration, try and compare Matthew 24:13 with its parallel in Mark 16 (now conveniently removed from the silver bible) and compare with Romans 15:19
Even if the FDS was a prophecy, the GB can not provide witness of their appointment as such. They now say they were never appointed and that the appointment will happen at a later time. Even then, they still demand obedience as if they were already appointed. The illustration said the slave was supposed to provide, not force his co slaves to eat.
Paint, Barney, and Jehovah
by John Aquila ini made a quick run to lowes to buy some paint and ran into a brother.
he is one of those elders that is very, very, petty.
if he drops by your house unexpected and notices that your kids are watching one of the star wars movies, he will counsel you for allowing your kids to watch any movie that has to do with war he will then make sure you are not recommended for any privilege.
John... this post is priceless! -
JW UN Rumor
by ivanatahan inyes, i have returned.. a short recap of major events since my inactivity began: i finally revealed to my parents that i do not believe the same thing they believe in (after i was caught smooching my girlfriend by a family of good-for-nothing pieces of human feces), and of course they view themselves as failed parents who were unable to brainwash their children.
that is, of course, the reason why they are much more controlling over what i do in my life now (my mom even tried having a "bible study" with me).
i told them everything and i was unable to dent their jw imposed mind force field, while also exposing a clear jw misunderstanding of probability, evolution, history, logic/reason, and the big bang theory.. in a conversation i had with my mother a few weeks back (i also heard this rumor before, but my mother told me it again), she mentioned how the un held a summit of all religions and when the jws presented themselves and mentioned their preaching work warning of the coming un ban on religion (referring to an international organization who can't even prevent genocide, much less impose human rights), a un official came up to the jw who presented the cult and told him to "speed up the preaching work", because they plan on doing the ban soon.. it saddens me to think of how ignorant jws are in relation to the principles upon which the un was founded and being unaware that the un at least has some sense as to not ban religion, but this rumor, as ridiculous as it is, needs to be put at rest.
Yep. Heard the one about the plane too. Which one is the one about the two pioneer sisters and the walnut?