Just to clarify. I was not trying to say that safety leads to radicalization. If anything, ridiculing a talented child at this stage in life for the sake of some widespread fear of ticking devices does to the kid, the same thing that burning a kingdom hall does to JWs. It provides further synergy for radicalization in the future.
If I may draw a parallel, is the same things a brand new (young) bible study who has just been warned that Satan is angry at his decision to study the bible. As soon as a relative ridicules or criticizes his decision, the study clearly remembers the warnings given by the study conductor, further driving the heels down in the mud. This kids does seem to be related to a muslim activist and may be (just may be) that is the reason the school reacted but we can't be sure.
There is some research into my comment, not just personal opinion. While I don't say the guy is the prophet of security, Bruce Schneier has some writings on such subjects. If you are interested, take a look at the book "Schneier on security". He sort of preaches "training/education over tracking/privacy breaches" when it comes to a security approach and he backs his research well.