JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
Last night earthquake
by Mandrake inlast night i was in my car returning to santiago from vina del mar (the seaside) and waiting the green light the 8.4 earthquake started!
it lasted 2 minutes!!!
some people were scared, most acted calmly... so that brings to my memory what was to be a jw in the most seismic country in the world!
My mom is about 1200 km from Santiago and she said all the light fixtures and ceiling fans were swinging back and forth. No one knew what the heck was going on. -
JOB 42 : 16
by brandnew inanybody tries throwing that overlapping / generation bullshiiiii down your tell em to explain that.!!!!!!.
"and job saw his children, and grandchildren.......4 generations".
Two witnesses... LOL That was awesome
Fossil fish with a lung
by StarTrekAngel in
This is just sad. Texas muslim ninth grader arrested for bringing clock to school
by StarTrekAngel inthis is how you force good talent to be used for bad things.
specially considering his young age..
Just to clarify. I was not trying to say that safety leads to radicalization. If anything, ridiculing a talented child at this stage in life for the sake of some widespread fear of ticking devices does to the kid, the same thing that burning a kingdom hall does to JWs. It provides further synergy for radicalization in the future.
If I may draw a parallel, is the same things a brand new (young) bible study who has just been warned that Satan is angry at his decision to study the bible. As soon as a relative ridicules or criticizes his decision, the study clearly remembers the warnings given by the study conductor, further driving the heels down in the mud. This kids does seem to be related to a muslim activist and may be (just may be) that is the reason the school reacted but we can't be sure.
There is some research into my comment, not just personal opinion. While I don't say the guy is the prophet of security, Bruce Schneier has some writings on such subjects. If you are interested, take a look at the book "Schneier on security". He sort of preaches "training/education over tracking/privacy breaches" when it comes to a security approach and he backs his research well.
WHEN people leave a cult...MAN landed on the moon? Or critical thinking......
by The Rebel ini believe anyone who has voluntarily left a cult has shown they can adapt to new solutions, and have used " critical thinking" skills otherwise most would not have left.. yet i believe a safe place for support is still needed and this safe place i believe is searched for.. now i may not measure up to much in ways of education, but for me personally " critical thinking skills" = " new" a " new" way of thinking, that takes time for me the individual to be visual and to contemplate.
and the more i read about " critical thinking," the more convinced i am that i can live with the ridicule of those that claim i do not possess it.
furthermore i would say those that criticise others " critical thinking skills," often luck the sensibility and thoughts to snore, spit, and fart....nor would they understand a room full of tobacco smoke and cheap booze...where " critical thinking " can often be found in its most profound, in the most sensitive poems and "pictures" that were ever drawn.
LOL. At first, I would tell my wife that I had no way to tell (if I wanted to) because my wife cooks mostly Mexican dishes and my mom is in another country. Eventually my wife started exploring other dishes, including those of my origin. -
This is just sad. Texas muslim ninth grader arrested for bringing clock to school
by StarTrekAngel inthis is how you force good talent to be used for bad things.
specially considering his young age..
Yes, agreed. The context is what matters here. That just because this kids is a Muslim, everyone framed him actions immediately. As John pointed, in his case no one thought anything of it.
I sure agree that the teachers are supposed to be alert in this day and time but it is very obvious that his skin color and name put the kid at a disadvantage and that is the sad part.
The last time I was at Defcon in Vegas, several kids (and some adults too) were going around carrying this electronic clocks strapped to their chests, walking around the entire hotel and no one thought anything of it.
For those not familiar, Defcon is a very well know hackers meeting that happens every year in Las Vegas. Is quite anonymous and it is known to have been grounds for the NSA/FBI to put undercover officers looking for threats or actual criminals. There was a higher chance for a real bomb to be lurking there than in the case above. Other crimes have been committed during those meetings before.
Two jewels from JW-Archive today
by StarTrekAngel inlet the equalization begin thru the kingdom hall construction fund.. .
need i add anything?.
Let the equalization begin thru the Kingdom hall construction fund.
Need I add anything?
This is just sad. Texas muslim ninth grader arrested for bringing clock to school
by StarTrekAngel inthis is how you force good talent to be used for bad things.
specially considering his young age..
This is how you force good talent to be used for bad things. Specially considering his young age.
WHEN people leave a cult...MAN landed on the moon? Or critical thinking......
by The Rebel ini believe anyone who has voluntarily left a cult has shown they can adapt to new solutions, and have used " critical thinking" skills otherwise most would not have left.. yet i believe a safe place for support is still needed and this safe place i believe is searched for.. now i may not measure up to much in ways of education, but for me personally " critical thinking skills" = " new" a " new" way of thinking, that takes time for me the individual to be visual and to contemplate.
and the more i read about " critical thinking," the more convinced i am that i can live with the ridicule of those that claim i do not possess it.
furthermore i would say those that criticise others " critical thinking skills," often luck the sensibility and thoughts to snore, spit, and fart....nor would they understand a room full of tobacco smoke and cheap booze...where " critical thinking " can often be found in its most profound, in the most sensitive poems and "pictures" that were ever drawn.
Awesome! -
Pope Francis - Tax Churches That Don’t Help the Needy
by Petraglyph inan interesting perspective from watchtower's nemesis:.
pope francis calls for ending tax-exempt status of churches that dont help the needy.
pope warns religious orders: take in refugees, or pay property taxes.
I like him too... for more than one reason I can not disclose at the moment. PM me if your curiosity kills you.