JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
Pledge for Global Assistance Arrangement - $15 per publisher!
by nmthinker inlast night our congregation read a letter for the global assistance arrangement combined with the traveling overseer assistance arrangement.
the "recommended" amount was $15 per publisher, which was well over $1000 for our hall.. it seemed steep.
our congregation does not have this type of money.
I was about to start a thread about the same thing. Our hall also passed a resolution last night but in our case they did not say the per publisher amount. They just announced the total of $1300. Off course, everyone was in agreement. -
This is what happens when someone is given authority without checks and balances
by StarTrekAngel in
i am sure there are good flight attendants and i have bumped into many but rather the captain, who is truly in charge, should use his best judgement and not just go with whatever the attendant wants.
i think the decisions of just throwing people out of planes comes from not having the courage to apologize and confront someone after a bad situation.
I am sure there are good flight attendants and I have bumped into many but rather the captain, who is truly in charge, should use his best judgement and not just go with whatever the attendant wants. I think the decisions of just throwing people out of planes comes from not having the courage to apologize and confront someone after a bad situation. It is rather more comfortable for the flight attendant to have the person removed and not have to look at that person in the eye and with a smile for the duration of the flight.
I only have one personal experience (that affected me that is) but have seen many others from a few rows behind. In a flight to Houston on a very well known airline, a couple with two kids boarded the flight. Upon hearing the announcement that the cabin door was now closed, the couple pulled out a booster seat and put it in an empty seat next to them to seat their baby. Flight attendant comes over (rather an old man) and asked them if they had payed for that seat or was he a lap baby. The father responded that it was a lap baby but that he understood that airline policy allowed for using empty seats for lap babies. (I can confirm this is true as I have done this many times). The flight attendant asked the father to remove the booster seat and put the baby in his laps. Father said that since the seat was empty and the door closed, the he could assume no other paying passenger would ask for that seat. Flight attendant proceed to raise his voice and say that he would no longer argue and that he would throw them out of the plane if they did not comply. He ended up putting the baby in his laps and holding him the whole way. Seat was empty as it is obviously concluded. This flight attendant rather allowed a potential liability (in case of heavy turbulence for example) than letting the baby fly securely fasten to the seat.
'Seek the Kingdom First' Economics
by Tornintwo inhas anyone else's family finances been victim to the 'seek the kingdom first' economic policy?.
for years, my husband and i have had our own business, my husband is not the most proactive guy, prefers to go in field service than to work, but he has always encouraged me to 'rely on jehovah and all these other things will be added to you', 'seek the kingdom first' etc etc.
there have been times, such as when i was heavily pregnant and we lost a big deal, that i have been begging jehovah on hands and knees to honour that promise, wondering why he wasn't helping us.
A modeling job? I was chastised over at JW-Archive for saying that Coco Rocha was promoting a lifestyle contrary to the high moral standards of Jehovah. Let alone pointing at her gaunt appearance that is most likely driven by the industry she is in. I said she was a bad example for JWs (She is a JW) -
Mobile Hotspot - JWFACTS.COM - Assembly & Conventions
by thedepressedsoul inhere is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
I see what you mean. Your clarification complements your first statement well and any assumptions I may have made about your stand have now dissipated
Mobile Hotspot - JWFACTS.COM - Assembly & Conventions
by thedepressedsoul inhere is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
Most JWs don't know what JWFacts is. They will feel tricked no matter what. -
Mobile Hotspot - JWFACTS.COM - Assembly & Conventions
by thedepressedsoul inhere is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
Here is what I would do if I did not have an "in" wife and a mother in law that would be ticked off by my actions bellow.
First lets assume a few things...
1- It would not be a race to see if I can make the device smaller and smaller. It just need to be stealthy. Assemblies are full of lunch boxes and briefcases. I got space to work with so I would not short change myself and sacrifice in other areas.
2- I would not expect a whole lot of users to hit the device at once. There would be no streaming from this box and I would not be sharing a public internet connection.
3- In my view, the name of the wifi SSID is irrelevant, in fact, the more innocent it looks the better.
4- I would not want to seat at the assembly all day and have to listen to the crap if I don't have to.
Content Server: As proposed here, a Raspberry PI is a good platform to serve your content from. It can run your web server, DNS, DHCP and provide tons of storage for whatever content you want to dump on it. It provides the flexibility of making changes to the software, content and other features you may need.
Wireless connectivity: A PI and be fitted with a USB wireless adapter but those tend to have low transmit power and weak antennas. I can find a USB adapter with an external antenna but I believe there are better solutions. Using a standard wifi router would provide much better coverage. It usually has more diversity built-in so it means more antennas are there to catch signals. Now lets not be misguided, just because a router has 8 plastic prods coming out of it, it doesn't mean they all actually work. Never the less, a wifi router has better diversity and more transmit power, period. I would pick one that has removable antennas so I can attach my own. I could also serve my content from a router that runs DD-WRT. This would not just give me the flexibility to configure WIFI in a way the gives more coverage, but also reduces power consumption and complexity of the setup. The con is that it may limit storage capacity and I am not sure how efficient a web server can run in such a small router. I guess I would have to experiment.
Power: The PI only consumes about 2 Ah and a WIFI about 1 Ah. Assuming they are always running at peak power, we are looking at a total power requirement of about 3 Ah. A 20 Ah battery can be had for $40 dollar. At a size of 3x6x7 inches (found one in Amazon) it can be fitted into most lunch boxes, laptop bags or whatever bag my nice JW side of me would have picked to take to an assembly. This would give you a run time of about 6.5 hours if not more.
Antennas: Here is where not being limited by the size of the setup has its advantages. There are several ways in which you can build or install a high gain antenna into your lunch box or briefcase. This is where the most of your coverage would come from. Wether you simply buy a high gain omni antenna and stuff inside or build your antenna into the sides of the bag, briefcase covering, etc. I could even look into aluminum briefcases. While it would not be better than a copper antenna, the shell of the briefcase itself could be the antenna. Not the best material but may be the gain in exposure would make up for it
WIFI config: Asides from the standard stuff that I would have to configure, I would look into other settings that would help out with the coverage. Not having access to manage the end devices puts some constraints in my setup but things like reducing the channel to 20 MHz and forcing all devices to use a single band, like 802.11n would increase the efficiency of the AP while the narrower channel makes the devices more sensitive.
Content: I would leave that up to my wildest dreams and change it based on the theme of the assembly.
Personally I would just walk in, find a good seat, hopefully located towards the center. Drop the suitcase or bag in place, wait a few minutes and walk away. Leave some books and a coat behind. Get on my car and go about my day. At the end of the day I would pick it up and take it home to recharge.
Mobile Hotspot - JWFACTS.COM - Assembly & Conventions
by thedepressedsoul inhere is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
An IT consultant Viviane? That explains a lot. Accustomed to tell everyone that you know better and walk away with a check. Never actually having to put the sweat in to make it happen.
Mobile Hotspot - JWFACTS.COM - Assembly & Conventions
by thedepressedsoul inhere is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
Sure, if you want to use that part. I believe though that towards the end things were being discussed to address that particular concern. Somehow such clarification is not relevant to you and prefer to attack a particular part of the thread or assume you know my intentions.
Before this discussion is destroyed by us going completely out of topic, lets clarify something and move on, please?
Let me make it clear to you that it was never my intention to hijack anything. Let me make it clear again that redirecting someone to a web based content with a DNS server of your own local network (without sharing the public internet) is not DNS hijacking. Call it captive portal if you want.
Mobile Hotspot - JWFACTS.COM - Assembly & Conventions
by thedepressedsoul inhere is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
Here you go. Clarification is towards the end of the thread.
Mobile Hotspot - JWFACTS.COM - Assembly & Conventions
by thedepressedsoul inhere is an idea i tested.
works at both assemblies and conventions.
i have noticed at the last convention and at my last assembly that when i opened up my wifi setting, tons of hotspots came up for people tethering their tablets to their smart phones.
I was just thinking... may be stuffing a wifi AP into a lunch box won't just serve to give access to the curious. May be if enough of those showed up they would implement mandatory lunch box inspections at assemblies. Nice way to cause some disruptions and create mistrust. Divide and conquer.
Just a thought.