JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
Pranks to play in the hall...
by purrpurr inwhat pranks could you/would you/ have you played in the kingdom hall?.
i have never but here's two i've thought of, 1) replace the liquid soap with glue 2) smear nutella everywhere in the bathroom!.
what's yours?.
We also had several brothers (including an elder) leave their phones on during the meeting. A call would come in and the ring tone turned out to be a narco-corrido. A Mexican style music that tells stories of famous drug dealers. -
Pranks to play in the hall...
by purrpurr inwhat pranks could you/would you/ have you played in the kingdom hall?.
i have never but here's two i've thought of, 1) replace the liquid soap with glue 2) smear nutella everywhere in the bathroom!.
what's yours?.
With the uptick in the number of electronic devices at the halls, the number of unexpected noises is also in the uptrend. People forget to turn their phones and tablets down.
One time, an older sister, married with grown up children (probably in her late 50's) had to get up in a rush and was blushing red. Somehow she accidentally played a video or audio file from the org. So we are seating down there quietly and all of a sudden we hear a loud sounds that goes "How do I explain to people why I still keep my virginity?"
We all turned around to look and we see her running out of the auditorium, stuffing the tablet in her jacket in an effort to muffle the sound.
My fade might well start today.
by StarTrekAngel inmany here whom have read my previous posts know more or less my situation.
wife is not hardcore but we still bump heads from time to time.
if it wasn't for this cult, and while it was not an issue, we had an almost perfect marriage.
Thanks all for the advice. I will carefully consider it.
Kids are the biggest worry. The therapist didn't really go there. I can't stand seeing her chastise them every time they turn their heads away from the bible or the platform.
My fade might well start today.
by StarTrekAngel inmany here whom have read my previous posts know more or less my situation.
wife is not hardcore but we still bump heads from time to time.
if it wasn't for this cult, and while it was not an issue, we had an almost perfect marriage.
Oh I do believe she means it. But I am not fully convinced of is that she is considering all the consequences. She doesn't think there is going to be any outsider inflicted friction in our marriage. I tell her that people are going to start looking at her with pity and begin to act accordingly. She says she doesn't care. It would not be the first time she says she doesn't care of what others think of her... that is until she does.
I Don't know, may be she's grown an even thicker skin since the last time it happened. She almost pushed us to stop certain sexual practices because a couple friend gave her some "bible based counsel". She had already expressed openly to the sister that we did it all the time. Turns out the couple in question did feel guilty (ok, I admit it, is oral sex) when they gave in and did it. They felt miserable afterwords and cried every time. Finally my wife realized that misery was looking for company and was brought back to her senses.
I did not sleep well last night so no meeting for me today. She asked me to please rest and not play with my iPad. I told her that not having to be there listening to the BS was restful enough. She took it surprisingly well.
My fade might well start today.
by StarTrekAngel inmany here whom have read my previous posts know more or less my situation.
wife is not hardcore but we still bump heads from time to time.
if it wasn't for this cult, and while it was not an issue, we had an almost perfect marriage.
LOL. About the lottery ticket, she is not like that. She just likes it. It's just funny that we just came back from discussing Christianity related issues and she jumps on a lottery ticket. She also won $300 in our last Vegas trip, while we were delayed at the airport.
Diogenesister. I have contacted the Freedom of Mind foundation but have received no response from them.
The therapist felt that we were ok on our own for now. He has not recommended any further sessions. I thought about having one more by myself just to get an assessment from him.
My fade might well start today.
by StarTrekAngel inmany here whom have read my previous posts know more or less my situation.
wife is not hardcore but we still bump heads from time to time.
if it wasn't for this cult, and while it was not an issue, we had an almost perfect marriage.
Many here whom have read my previous posts know more or less my situation. Wife is not hardcore but we still bump heads from time to time. If it wasn't for this cult, and while it was not an issue, we had an almost perfect marriage. Almost 17 years of honeymoon. I grew frustrated of our constant disagreement, I began to fill the picture of what the WT wishes to put on all apostates. Angry, disgruntled, started spilling into work. I went to look for help with a therapist. After a couple of sessions, she came along with me yesterday.
The therapist I picked claims to have a background in spirituality, so I figure that would be a good thing, since I have no agenda. If my wife chooses to still believe in the promises of the WT that is ok. Such does not actually mean supporting the organization thru other means (financial, time, preaching, etc). This therapist will be more likely to respect belief without necessarily taking a bias. But more than anything, I was trying to find ways to cope with the slow process of disagreeing on such fundamentalist belief. For those who have read or participated in my previous threads (specially regarding respect for the belief of others, please understand the context of my previous post. I am talking about a family relationship here, not an opinion forum).
Well, to my dismay, I feel the therapist made a whole 180 degree turn on me. The first two sessions I was there alone. We discussed the cult and the basis for our disagreement. He claims not to be all that familiar with JWs but admits having worked with some in the past and also admits that the believing partner seldomly accepts to participate (because of the WT advice against worldly advice). We discussed the reason of my awakening and the reasoning that proof the lies and deception spread by the org. We briefly discussed my wive's upbringing and the family issues and traditions. I warned him that my wife will say that she has already proposed to disagree and that she will respect my decision to part from the org but that at the same time she will refuse to accept there will be consequences. She thinks some of the consequences suffered by other ex-members only apply to their personal situation or their bitterness. In a nutshell, our story will be different from that of others. She feels very much capable of distinguishing the bad from the good. If the elders ever attempt to stick their nose into it, she will notice and take action. I am not so sure of that.
Fast forward to yesterday, the described above happened to the letter. I am almost feeling like she preached to him and he almost listened. Not that he will be a convert, no, no where near that. But despite my previous warnings to him regarding the loaded language and its twisted meaning, her speech sounded to him like I have nothing to worry about.
At the end, we agreed to disagree.... for now that is. She explained to him that nothing tied me to the org, not even her. That she won't look or treat me any different if I decided to quit and I did not have to even admit to the reasons. She told him I could write a letter or not. That some people simply fade out. Funny side note, right after we stepped out, she bought a lottery ticket.
This might well be the beginning of the end. I am not sure on how to approach it. I can not conceive the idea of staying home while my kids (two girls ages 12 and 7) are getting indoctrinated weekly. I need to stay on top of what they are being told and I need to shield them from the starving pioneers that, in a need of hours, will look at them like orphans and try to start a study with them. They have already made the attempt once, even with me present and in a seemingly good spiritual health. What can I expect now?
How To Test a J.W.'s Loyalty/Stupidity
by The Searcher in"would you do absolutely anything which the governing body instructed you to do?
for example, sell your home and possessions, move in with another witness, and send all your money to the org?".
if 'no', they're showing that they will pick and choose which org directives they will follow.
While I can't necessarily provide any facts, I am pretty sure that those who say "yes" when they are cornered like that, are the ones who won't actually do it. While those who say "no" are the ones that are more likely to let the guard down at the time of indoctrination and they will be way to deep in by the time they realize what they are being asked to do.
It is a simple question in plain sight, however, most do not consider that such command (to drink the poison) will never come out of the blue or will never be as obvious as you put it to your wife. The people of Jonestown trained periodically with fake suicide drills before the actual act happened. So it is easy to answer either way, but the truth won't really come out until you are the crossroad.
Do You Think 10% Tithing is Coming?
by xjwsrock infirstly, there are cash flow problems in wt town.
i don't think it's necessary to list all the cutbacks and layoffs, but there have been many.. their thirst for money seems higher too in my opinion.
more entitled may be a better way of putting it.
They already collect more than 10%. Why would they ask for 10% and loose money? -
Our assembly expenses were $16,900 for ONE DAY - Please share yours
by nmthinker in~2300 in attendance.
one day cost of $16,900!.
this was at romeoville, which was built ground up in the 90's and was fully paid for by the illinois circuits!.
$8,300 on our last one day assembly. Sums in excess of $10,000 is not unheard of for our 3 day assemblies. -
Kingdom Hall feels uncomfortably hot lately
by StarTrekAngel ini started noticing a change at the kh.
for the past couple of weeks, the place feels quiet warm.
personally i have to take my coat off as soon as i walk in.
I started noticing a change at the KH. For the past couple of weeks, the place feels quiet warm. Personally I have to take my coat off as soon as I walk in. Wife has mentioned it as well. Most sisters and brothers can be seen using WT mags as fans.
It used to be that the AC will be running overtime for most meetings. Even getting to be a bit chili. Now the AC does not seem to be on until the speaker steps on the platform. By the time the place is finally coming to a pleasant temperature, the meeting is almost over.
Seems to me the this change coincided with either the last CO visit or the last broadcast, where they speak of money shortages. May be now that the cong is supposed to send all the surplus money out, they are demanding cuts in the KH expenses.
Anyone with a similar experience?