JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
My letter to Bethel about the flood
by Cornbread ini've decided to go full public with a new username on this forum.
it's been almost a decade since i've been out and i don't care at this point who knows.
that being said, here's a letter that i'm mailing to bethel.
Is funny how they responded to one of the letters on the watchtower letters website. The writer asked about the flood not being literally worldwide and the society gets the worst response. It is clear the society itself does not understand the concept of bearing witness. The society argued that if the flood was not worldwide then why would God ask Noah to build and ark and save animals when they all could have moved to another place. Is simple, from reading the bible you realize God does not use power to destroy because that is his preferred method. He needs to have witnesses to the power of destruction as well as to the miracle of salvation. Noah had to be visibly doing something out of the ordinary and the salvation witnessed by either side of the story. This proved God power in front of every eye. Had Noah been instructed to just move, he would have not seen the destruction and the power of God and someone could have followed him and save themselves too. -
Evolution and Creation—both are stories!
by lsw1961 inthere are number of nobel laureates and other great scientists in both the camps defending their respective theories of evolution and creation, which means both are just stories, and both suffer from having no eye-witnesses.
if either of them were true, all scientists would have accepted it unanimously as they do with rest of the laws such as law of gravity..
this does not mean that there is no god.
Is this some kind of talk being spread around in congregations? The funny thing is that a while ago someone tried to make the same argument, saying they could disprove evolution because no one can explain how we evolved male and female at the same time. Not much later than that, a friend of mine (a JW) told me the same thing. I thought either he read the same post or this is going around the congregations as a means to challenge evolution. I know my friend and I know he does not come around this website.
By the way, not even the sperm in your own testicles are all the same. Much less compared to your father's
Young couple invited to School for Kingdom Evangelizers
by StarTrekAngel ina young couple from our cong has been invited to attend the school for kingdom evangelizers.
we found out because they rent a small home from my mil.
they came to tell her they will be leaving for florida for one month to two months.
LOL. Yeah, knowing her I am pretty sure she will let them keep their stuff in there and skip the rent for now. This would be her way of "contributing" to the cause. Me and my wife were discussing that afterwards and even though she doesn't see anything wrong with it, she realized this may be connected with the layoffs.
Funny thing is when they came home to tell her the news, I was outside fixing my car. I greeted them and my wife came out. They asked for my MIL and they were already on their way in when they decided to turn around. They said.. we have to tell you something, we've been invited to the school.. blah blah. I did not say anything but honestly I was simply concentrated on what I was doing. My wife had a minute of silence and then it dawned on her to say "congrats". It was a bit of an awkward moment.
Now you don't even have to go to the Kingdom Hall - ALL meetings to be recorded & available on (if you have a password)
by sir82 inlatest boe letter:.
october 22, 2015. to all bodies of eldersre: use of jw stream.
dear brothers:we are writing to inform you that arrangements are being made for video recordings ofcongregation meetings, circuit assemblies, and conventions to be uploaded to jw stream (accessibleat in various languages.
So much for Hebrews 10:24 -
Young couple invited to School for Kingdom Evangelizers
by StarTrekAngel ina young couple from our cong has been invited to attend the school for kingdom evangelizers.
we found out because they rent a small home from my mil.
they came to tell her they will be leaving for florida for one month to two months.
A young couple from our cong has been invited to attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers. We found out because they rent a small home from my MIL. They came to tell her they will be leaving for Florida for one month to two months. They claim they don't know if they will be re assigned to our congregation once they finish. They are asking my MIL to put the rent on hold until they get back.
They are in their early 30's and they moved to our cong about 4 years ago. They just finished resettling their parents to the area as well. Both him and his dad quickly raised up to eldership as they were close friends with the CO at the time.
Just putting it out there since we have seen the layoffs happening. We knew they were already trying to get rid of the older folks but may be this is a move to accelerate the process.
Now you don't even have to go to the Kingdom Hall - ALL meetings to be recorded & available on (if you have a password)
by sir82 inlatest boe letter:.
october 22, 2015. to all bodies of eldersre: use of jw stream.
dear brothers:we are writing to inform you that arrangements are being made for video recordings ofcongregation meetings, circuit assemblies, and conventions to be uploaded to jw stream (accessibleat in various languages.
I think this is one of the predictions made on this site. Don't remember who, but I remember it being predicted. Sometimes I feel we could convince a couple of JWs that we have more holy spirit than the GB -
2 John 10
by What Now? injust looking for some rebuttals to 2 john 10, specifically when it comes to shunning family.
we essentially admitted to our families that we do not want to raise our kids as witnesses and do not believe what jehovah's witnesses teach.
predictably, they use 2 john 10 to justify shunning us, specifically the portion of the verse where it says "if anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him".. since we are apostates (according to the jw definition), and no longer "bring this teaching", would our family be correct in interpreting this verse to mean that they should shun us?.
Sorry for the double posting. Something up with my browser today -
2 John 10
by What Now? injust looking for some rebuttals to 2 john 10, specifically when it comes to shunning family.
we essentially admitted to our families that we do not want to raise our kids as witnesses and do not believe what jehovah's witnesses teach.
predictably, they use 2 john 10 to justify shunning us, specifically the portion of the verse where it says "if anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him".. since we are apostates (according to the jw definition), and no longer "bring this teaching", would our family be correct in interpreting this verse to mean that they should shun us?.
The gospels never really make a huge deal out of the belief in the apostles or God himself. Most of the congregational issues that the early Christian confronted were related to, first and foremost, wether Jesus was the promised Messiah or not, second, issues over allowed foods, third but not less, issues of immorality and loose conduct.
By far, the Christ was the biggest concern as it seems like they kept arguing with one another over what proof they had for or against him. This threatened the very basis of their faith, so the apostles had very little patient towards arguing over this matter. Wether you believe or not, there is a big parallel between that and the modern day GB, except that the GB today is not arguing wether Jesus was the Messiah. They argue their own authority and appointment, for as if you could convince anyone that 1914 is a hoax. among other things, they loose all authority.
2 John 10
by What Now? injust looking for some rebuttals to 2 john 10, specifically when it comes to shunning family.
we essentially admitted to our families that we do not want to raise our kids as witnesses and do not believe what jehovah's witnesses teach.
predictably, they use 2 john 10 to justify shunning us, specifically the portion of the verse where it says "if anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him".. since we are apostates (according to the jw definition), and no longer "bring this teaching", would our family be correct in interpreting this verse to mean that they should shun us?.
Sorry something not working right with my computer today.
2 John 10
by What Now? injust looking for some rebuttals to 2 john 10, specifically when it comes to shunning family.
we essentially admitted to our families that we do not want to raise our kids as witnesses and do not believe what jehovah's witnesses teach.
predictably, they use 2 john 10 to justify shunning us, specifically the portion of the verse where it says "if anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him".. since we are apostates (according to the jw definition), and no longer "bring this teaching", would our family be correct in interpreting this verse to mean that they should shun us?.
The gospels never really make a huge deal out of the belief in the apostles or God himself. Most of the congregational issues that the early Christian confronted were related to, first and foremost, wether Jesus was the promised Messiah or not, second, issues over allowed foods, third but not less, issues of immorality and loose conduct.
By far, the Christ was the biggest concern as it seems like they kept arguing with one another over what proof they had for or against him. This threatened the very basis of their faith, so the apostles had very little patient towards arguing over this matter. Wether you believe or not, there is a big parallel between that and the modern day GB, except that the GB today is not arguing wether Jesus was the Messiah. They argue their own authority and appointment, for as if you could convince anyone that 1914 is a hoax. among other things, they loose all authority.