JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
How Many JWs Really Believe Everything They Are Told?
by minimus ini think that 80% of jws do not truly believe in what they are taught .
the vast majority stay in because of family, friends, ignorance and a lack of caring about any of the facts regarding the "truth".
many people are lazy.
As Vidiot said it, Obey. Obey the orders. Wether you believe in 1914 or not, it does not matter. The doctrines are many and diversified with multiple faceted opinions. This assures that you have at least something you believe to be a unique truth, such that would keep you attached to the religion and ready to obey direction. Obedience to the GB is the ultimate goal, regardless of the foundation. Wether you obey because you believe in1914 but not in the overlapping generation or obedience because you don't believe in 1914 but think no other religion follow the mandate to preach. As long as you have a reason to be attached, you will obey. See that latest leaked letter. What was one of the questions the elders needed to answer? Was it not wether the candidate was "humble and readily follows counsel"? -
Jehovah's Witnesses May Have Peaked in Membership at 8 Million (+/-)
by OnTheWayOut ini don't have all the details of their new "service year" numbers, but i have read enough on jwn to state my opinion pretty strongly.. memorial attendance for 2015 was down.while they kept saying they were going to build a bunch of new kingdom halls, and everybody is still in recovery from watchtower taking all the local money away, they say pretty much that there isn't enough money to build new kingdom halls.putting gb members on the videos at jw .
org has allowed people to really put a face and personality to these guys and remove the mystery of how they should be such deeply spiritual serious men.
instead they see silly thoughts about tight pants and, really everything that comes out of lett's mouth is delivered ultra-goofy, along with the money reports.. the gb lost credibility a little more with every new light that shone down, with the strangest one being "overlapping generation.
I think another contributor to the financial fallout was the move to electronic material. Many of the older folks in my circuit still had the mentality of having to "donate" for every piece literature they took. Back in the day when they switched from selling the magazines to the donation arrangement, it was easy to show why they needed to continue donating but now everyone, even the most technologically challenged, understands that there is no problem on downloading the magazine time and time again. Since you hardly stop by the literature desk anymore, there is nothing much to remind you that you need to contribute. Personally I feel this was part of the reason they began to switch from a printing company to a real state company. Once they could no longer sell magazines, they had to look for another venue. -
Sexual reproduction as an argument against evolution
by Saintbertholdt inabout a day ago startrekangel mentioned that an idea was put forward by a jw that sexual reproduction was an argument against evolution.
here's startrekangel's quote: "is this some kind of talk being spread around in congregations?
the funny thing is that a while ago someone tried to make the same argument, saying they could disprove evolution because no one can explain how we evolved male and female at the same time.
I think the female genitalia IS definitely the best thing. LOL
The waste disposal pipeline is upstream from the recreational area if you consider that we did not evolve to use toilets. We are supposed to squat and it has already been shown that squatting is much better for your gut health than seating in a toilet.
Sexual reproduction as an argument against evolution
by Saintbertholdt inabout a day ago startrekangel mentioned that an idea was put forward by a jw that sexual reproduction was an argument against evolution.
here's startrekangel's quote: "is this some kind of talk being spread around in congregations?
the funny thing is that a while ago someone tried to make the same argument, saying they could disprove evolution because no one can explain how we evolved male and female at the same time.
What exactly do you feel is wrong with human genitalia? -
Proof that Watchtower Invested $40M into Hedge funds...
by Newly Enlightened inback in 2007. and now the hedge funds are reporting losses.
could this be why watchtower is crying how broke they are?.
Many of this things have been dismissed as "regular business deals" that all churches or businesses do to protect their financial assets.
I personally don't care if the Riley fund simply has the watchtower as its beneficiary. The watchtower should question every penny that comes from investments to make sure they don't cross the line. The shady investments of the catholic church were used to sell me the idea that JWs don't do this type of things.
This is not far from the above. The Caymand Islands are known by most people as tax and fraud heavens. They should keep their money away from it, period. Remember? If eating meat stumbles my brother, I would not eat meat again. I seriously doubt that Paul would have ever done something good that looked bad.
We were shown how to google jw-org last night
by StarTrekAngel inso last night i went to the meeting with my family.
had not gone in 2 weeks.
as usual i sat down reading the bible.
So last night I went to the meeting with my family. Had not gone in 2 weeks. As usual I sat down reading the bible. I need to tune out the non-sense so I figure is better I read the bible looking for ammo. I was re- reading some paragraphs (sounded to me like David and Jonathan were gay) when all of a sudden the last part of the meeting talked about using audio files from the website in ministry or even at home. Elder who prepared the part dedicated 10 minutes to explain how to get the files down. Many in our cong are older people and are not technologically inclined, but I guess the org wants them to pick up on the trend.
So the elder, rather than showing people how to go to the address bar and type the website address, showed them how to run a google search on jw-org. He did it live, on a big projector. The results all came out on screen. Unfortunately the resolution was too low and only the top line (the borgs website) was visible. But I can just imagine some of these brothers going back home and doing the same thing. I just ran the search myself and the top two results are pro-jw sites, the rest are youtube videos regarding child abuse.
My letter to Bethel about the flood
by Cornbread ini've decided to go full public with a new username on this forum.
it's been almost a decade since i've been out and i don't care at this point who knows.
that being said, here's a letter that i'm mailing to bethel.
Is funny how they responded to one of the letters on the watchtower letters website. The writer asked about the flood not being literally worldwide and the society gets the worst response. It is clear the society itself does not understand the concept of bearing witness. The society argued that if the flood was not worldwide then why would God ask Noah to build and ark and save animals when they all could have moved to another place. Is simple, from reading the bible you realize God does not use power to destroy because that is his preferred method. He needs to have witnesses to the power of destruction as well as to the miracle of salvation. Noah had to be visibly doing something out of the ordinary and the salvation witnessed by either side of the story. This proved God power in front of every eye. Had Noah been instructed to just move, he would have not seen the destruction and the power of God and someone could have followed him and save themselves too. -
Evolution and Creation—both are stories!
by lsw1961 inthere are number of nobel laureates and other great scientists in both the camps defending their respective theories of evolution and creation, which means both are just stories, and both suffer from having no eye-witnesses.
if either of them were true, all scientists would have accepted it unanimously as they do with rest of the laws such as law of gravity..
this does not mean that there is no god.
Is this some kind of talk being spread around in congregations? The funny thing is that a while ago someone tried to make the same argument, saying they could disprove evolution because no one can explain how we evolved male and female at the same time. Not much later than that, a friend of mine (a JW) told me the same thing. I thought either he read the same post or this is going around the congregations as a means to challenge evolution. I know my friend and I know he does not come around this website.
By the way, not even the sperm in your own testicles are all the same. Much less compared to your father's
Young couple invited to School for Kingdom Evangelizers
by StarTrekAngel ina young couple from our cong has been invited to attend the school for kingdom evangelizers.
we found out because they rent a small home from my mil.
they came to tell her they will be leaving for florida for one month to two months.
LOL. Yeah, knowing her I am pretty sure she will let them keep their stuff in there and skip the rent for now. This would be her way of "contributing" to the cause. Me and my wife were discussing that afterwards and even though she doesn't see anything wrong with it, she realized this may be connected with the layoffs.
Funny thing is when they came home to tell her the news, I was outside fixing my car. I greeted them and my wife came out. They asked for my MIL and they were already on their way in when they decided to turn around. They said.. we have to tell you something, we've been invited to the school.. blah blah. I did not say anything but honestly I was simply concentrated on what I was doing. My wife had a minute of silence and then it dawned on her to say "congrats". It was a bit of an awkward moment.
Now you don't even have to go to the Kingdom Hall - ALL meetings to be recorded & available on (if you have a password)
by sir82 inlatest boe letter:.
october 22, 2015. to all bodies of eldersre: use of jw stream.
dear brothers:we are writing to inform you that arrangements are being made for video recordings ofcongregation meetings, circuit assemblies, and conventions to be uploaded to jw stream (accessibleat in various languages.
So much for Hebrews 10:24