JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
What Are The Possibilities That The FBI Is Investigating The Watchtower Corporation Because Of All Child Molestation And Scandle
by Brokeback Watchtower ini was just reading this news clip about a mayor from my home town of waterbury, ct how was given a 37 year sentence for raping to minor girls.
the fed were watching him " trying to determine whether giordano was taking bribes from a mafia building contractor, fbi agents learned he was systematically raping the 9- and 11-year old daughter and niece of a prostitute in his office in the city hall.".
I am not cop or lawyer but something tells me that unless the GB members themselves were the perpetrators, nothing would be investigated. -
What Could Hacker Do To The JW.Org Site?
by frankiespeakin ini really don't know anything about what hackers do..
in the computer security context, a hacker is someone who seeks and exploits weaknesses in a computer system or computer network.
hackers may be motivated by a multitude of reasons, such as profit, protest, challenge or enjoyment.
Definitely the web servers are in a different network or at least a DMZ, compared to the rest of their systems, however, attacking a web server can sometimes shed a lot of information that can later be used for further attacks. Even if you get elder access to the site, it would be worth it. I have two KH in my network.. just saying..
I don't things is totally impossible that a group like anonymous would go after the database of child molestation cases. Is just that getting to such network may take a very long time and a lot of work and patience. Probably the most efficient attack vector, would be to gain some level of access to a bethelite's computer (may be a laptop). Given that they hardly ever visit questionable websites, it would be hard for them to get any exploits in. They would have to find the most naive of them, social engineer a way to their computer.
A couple of years ago there was a talk at Blackhat 2010. A female NASA employee who was somewhat socially disconnected, started chatting with a man. He managed to make her fall in love with him and she naively accepted to install a chat program in her laptop computer. She later took that computer to work and the hacker obtained access to several classified documents.
United States Jehovah's Witnesses Political Action Committee
by Researchedandenlightened in
any info on this in usa , what does it involve ?.
Yep! a total ignorant. A politician should now better than that. -
United States Jehovah's Witnesses Political Action Committee
by Researchedandenlightened in
any info on this in usa , what does it involve ?.
Seems to me like this guy trolls on every religious and catchy name out there to drag voters. -
United States Jehovah's Witnesses Political Action Committee
by Researchedandenlightened in
any info on this in usa , what does it involve ?.
I am not sure but some over at JW-Archive are digging into it. -
Check this out. The librarian is getting stumbled?
by StarTrekAngel in
Disgusted By Today's WT Study 12/6/15
by JW_Rogue inno, not because of the message of deluding yourself into seeing the hand of god working in mundane wt activities.
that is to be expected from this org.
what really bothered me was the quote in paragraph one.
I don't know where they've got this idea that magical deliverance was the exception. The bible is themed around the idea that God miraculously delivers his people against the worst of odds.
In our meeting, someone made sure to clarify that this acts of God sending JWs to householders who prayed for it was not a coincidence. The magazine stated that "we keep hearing" of these occurrences. Did we miss the launch of a new JWTV shows called "Our weekly miracle report"?
Hypothetical question. There is no more guns on our streets, would the crime rate go down?
by James Mixon init would eliminate drive by's (gangs).
bank robbery.
( handing the bank teller a note, this is stick up without a gun).
I doubt crime rates will do gown. However, senseless deaths like that of school children should. The arguments against gun regulations have two problems, in my view..
1) is always debated in a black and white scenario. Either we ban them or we do nothing. Never seems to be anyone willing to consider a middle ground.
2) The argument that bad guys will always get their guns. That is true. However, we can at least attempt to prevent school shooting or people going postal on co-workers. Those are opportunistic killers. Even the way they choose targets shows that they are targets of opportunity. They are not always after anyone in particular. They did it because they had easy access to the gun. Sure a knife would have killed them too. I would like to see the couple from the San Bernardino shooting trying to cause the same amount of damage using knives.
Why didn't Jehovah know the flood wouldn't work?
by OverlappingGeneralizations inthis has been something that is bugging me lately-.
jehovah is all knowing.
he knows that to do away with evil, he has to do away with satan.
I don't know why evil is still around. I do think it makes sense to allow the other party to speak. If it didn't, the WT would be right to shun apostates.
Now why does evil have to survive this long? That is another good question. I was trying to, wether you believe in god or not, shed a different view at what most religions would answer
Why didn't Jehovah know the flood wouldn't work?
by OverlappingGeneralizations inthis has been something that is bugging me lately-.
jehovah is all knowing.
he knows that to do away with evil, he has to do away with satan.
That is a great question. I think, in my personal opinion, that since most religions, including JWs, have redefined faith as blind obedience, it lends to this type of contradictions.
The bible tells us of the several occasions in which God had it with humanity and was ready to wipe them all out. Not just at the flood, also during Moises' time. Moises, however, appeased him. He told God that his fame as a loving, redeeming God would be ruined in the eyes of humanity if he killed the Israelites after he miraculously freed them from Egypt. This, in my view, has little to do with being an all knowing God. Is more about faith. In my view, faith is like a modern day credit report. When you go to a bank to take a loan, your approval would be based on your history. Basically the bank would demonstrate faith in your responsibility as a borrower. Provided we are talking about a personal loan with no collateral. When it comes to spirituality, never in the bible it speaks of blind faith. Most of the faith shown by the people of the bible comes from a- past experiences in which God fulfilled his promises and b- based on demanding that God showed them some sort of miracle so that they would believe in his power.
With that said, and based on what I understand from the bible, God would have to have reasons to have faith in humanity. When he has lost it, he attempted to start over, always leaving a handful of humans around to see his power and redemption from evil. This, in my view, would not necessarily be bad. If humans are made to his image and humans are capable of losing faith, then God is very much capable of the same thing. You could, may be, say that the difference is that we humans can loose faith for the wrong reasons while God losses it for the right reasons. I would leave that up as something to be speculated upon, since we have this idea implanted on us that the word "perfect" is literal as it appears in the bible when referring to God.