What magazine is that article in? I can hardly read but it seems it was 11/8/1992 AWake
JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
Prince died. The Awake article come across my mind.
by AntiEntropy inenlarge the picture.
music: both rap and heavy metal music have recently come under increasing fire for similar content problems.
songs that glorify the sexual degradation and abuse of women, violence and hatred toward various races and policemen, and even satanism have all been found among rap and heavy metal records.
Any thought behind your " Avatar"
by The Rebel ini think that's the correct phrase?
anyway when i first came here, that little picture that "the rebel" hides behind, was a self portrait of a very sad man, who simply had too much knowledge.
now i feel after 7 months here, i should repaint that " avetor" give some happiness to the eyes, and a contented smile to the lips.. in short my " avetor" was a self portrait of a man with too much knowledge.
While I don't go around preaching the "ancient astronaut/ancient alien theory" as fact, I think it is a pretty interesting idea. No, I do not watch the show "Ancient Aliens"
So when I found this picture I liked it. If you watched the last Star Trek movie, you saw that the Enterprise is in a fairly new planet where the men-like creatures that live there are in the early stages of forming an organized society. By mistake, the Enterprise's cloaking is deactivated at the wrong time and the ship becomes visible to the natives, who begin to draw what they see in the sand and they start worshipping it.
The crew of the ship would have come to be the angels in that case, therefore I decided to pick the name "StarTrek Angel"
Anthony Morris claims "dogmatic" does not apply to GB.
by Sanchy inso i was scrolling through the latest morning worship videos and found our good friend tony m. explaining why the gb is not dogmatic.
you can find hirs reasoning at around the 3:30 mark here..
problemaddict 2
Nice summary... but you forgot (Being sarcastic here) where he says that if you know your place in the theocratic arrangement (basically you are sheep) then you will obey.
Anthony Morris claims "dogmatic" does not apply to GB.
by Sanchy inso i was scrolling through the latest morning worship videos and found our good friend tony m. explaining why the gb is not dogmatic.
you can find hirs reasoning at around the 3:30 mark here..
So in summary: The first century GB was not dogmatic and the modern day GB isn't either. However, he attempts to do this by rather saying "we should not apply this definition to the slave". Apostates are trying really hard to tell JWs that we are dogmatic but we are not. You want proof, he says, by the time a decision has been reached, there is consensus among the GB that this is the right decision and you, knowing your place in the org, must obey. So we are not dogmatic because not one person makes a decision but rather as a group, which represents a singular slave (as he so well puts it in his opening words)
I am confused... :)
Are visits from Bethel requested by assembly committees?
by StarTrekAngel inalong the many documents recently leaked from a co, we now have the document with instructions on how to handle assembly finances.
i have heard before that there is a per publisher going rate, used to calculate the total expenses.
now we have the actual document that shows it.
Along the many documents recently leaked from a CO, we now have the document with instructions on how to handle assembly finances. I have heard before that there is a per publisher going rate, used to calculate the total expenses. Now we have the actual document that shows it. What I did not expect to find there was the instructions to add the travel expenses of visitors. Be it GB members or Bethel people who come to visit congregations at the time of their assemblies. This makes me wonder, are these visits scheduled by the branch based on the perceived needs or is there a sort of rent-a-pastor type of list where each circuit gets on a waiting list?
We had our assembly not long ago and Lett was present. I was surprised when the announcement was made in our KH. I never thought we would be important enough to have Lett come down for an assembly of a handful of thousand souls. On top of that, his demeanor and attitude was so disconnected and rest of personal warmth that it was almost like if you had ordered a recording of his speech. It makes me wonder if it is possible that each circuit calls the branch an asks for a special visitor to be sent (on the circuit's dime), gets put on a waiting list and as soon as one is available, they get scheduled for the next assembly. Does anyone know how this usually works?
Just wondering who on this board has a spouse that is fully in and your awake?
by goingthruthemotions ini am just curious who on this board is in the same situation has i am?
a spouse that is fully brain doogled in and you are awake to ttatt.. without going into serious detail and no names are given.
i would like to possible talk with one of you all, it's just so helpful to communicate with someone in the same situation as me.. i am located in the southwest united states..
My wife was able to move from the frighten stage, where she felt our differences could be the end, to a more "I know there is a lot of BS in this but I do not like any other religion" type. It has been the hardest two years of my life. I am still struggling with the idea that she recognizes (and she tells me so) the lies but deliberately goes back for more every week. In my bad moments I have gone as far as to tell her that I see her relationship with the church to be as hurtful as if she was with another man and being open and honest about it. Sometimes I tell her about certain BS I've heard in the news, I add comments on the consequences and the harm being made to others or sometimes even me... she laughs, shrugs it off and moves one. Hurst me even more.
I know she will come around. It's hard for her, she has a lot of emotional baggage and so far she feels the cult carries it for her. I think the braking point will come once the elders find out about me.
Just wondering who on this board has a spouse that is fully in and your awake?
by goingthruthemotions ini am just curious who on this board is in the same situation has i am?
a spouse that is fully brain doogled in and you are awake to ttatt.. without going into serious detail and no names are given.
i would like to possible talk with one of you all, it's just so helpful to communicate with someone in the same situation as me.. i am located in the southwest united states..
I am fully awake.. wife is somewhat awake but insists on going to meetings and keeping up with the rituals. She still does not fully grasps the bad about the org. She feels that she can be there and not be harmed, basically denying 1 Cor 15:33. She feels that attending does not mean supporting the harmful policies and that most of the bad things are single bad actors or people seeking revenge on the org. She sometimes reads JW survey but can only focus on the angry comments by readers rather than the facts presented.
Is harder to wake up fence seaters
$13.5M award vacated in Jehovah’s Witness abuse case
by StephaneLaliberte inruling gives church chance to turn over disputed documents.
Sometimes I don't really understand some of these "judges". He thought that deposing Losch was unnecessary? Since when do you pre-judge wether a someone has or doesn't have anything insightful to offer? Isn't that the job of the lawyers to determine along with the judge?
Lurking JWs: Do people really need to know and use the word "Jehovah" or other language equivalents, to truly know God?
by Island Man inwatchtower puts forth the argument that you can't really know god unless you know and use the appellation "jehovah" or its equivalent in other languages.
is this really true?
i say it's not true and i will demonstrate to you why.. god's name is not a mere label that we have to use to communicate with him so that he knows we're talking to him.
Half Banana...
I understand that to be the general context of bible writings. Wether you believe or not, analyzing the book, in my opinion, shows that God had to show himself to the world and prove himself as well. He could not expect people to know him without evidence. It was basically a response to the questions posed above (how do you get to know an invisible spirit). You can't. The invisible spirit would have to make himself known to you and then you may desire to know more and continue to nurture the relationship further. You can not love what you don't know.
The bible has several passages in which people (Abraham was one of them), meet this God for what it seems the first time. True, the bible's first account of God talking to Abraham does not provide details of the communication. But later on, Abraham sees a man, whom he recognizes as God. Never the less, every other encounter like these from different biblical characters, are accompanied by some kind of "prove me that you are God and you are capable of delivering your promise". Some miracle that convinced men this God was who he claimed to be. Very much the same way you prove your credit worthiness by keeping your debt in check, God kept his worthiness by showing his followers what he was capable of, time and time again. This way he showed himself to the world and showed his followers he could very much fit the job of a God who claims to have created the universe.
Having been absent from the human race for thousands of years (correct me if I am wrong but I don't think he's ever been absent for so long before) and having many generations of humans pass without testimony of his fame, God would have to present himself again and make himself known if he plans to have any followers for much longer.
Lurking JWs: Do people really need to know and use the word "Jehovah" or other language equivalents, to truly know God?
by Island Man inwatchtower puts forth the argument that you can't really know god unless you know and use the appellation "jehovah" or its equivalent in other languages.
is this really true?
i say it's not true and i will demonstrate to you why.. god's name is not a mere label that we have to use to communicate with him so that he knows we're talking to him.
We don't need to know an invisible spirit. He needs to become known to us. That is the whole premise of the bible.