Being Hispanic myself and having my wive's very large Mexican family so close by, I can tell you the reason they don't strike is a bit of every line bellow
- A group of them are more concerned with getting their work done and getting paid. They work so much, they do not have time to think about striking. Watch the movie "McFarland USA". There is lots of true life scenes in that movie.
- A group of them are concerned that an unsuccessful strike may lead to a mass deportation, started by each employer, of those who joined in. Coming back is always an option but in the days of Cesar Chavez, it was easier to come back. Today the violence in the border makes crossing it a dangerous feat. Once you are here, you don't want to go back and risk it again.
- A group, or most of them, are not educated enough to care about politics and economics. If they would truly understand the role they play in this economy, they would definitely understand the power that they hold. While they don't, they have no driving force to demand anything
- All of them, believe it or not, understand that they are here illegally. They are honest, respectful people and they understand that striking and causing a disturb will simply add to their already troubled life. Hispanics are thought and brought up to acknowledge that they need to earn their living thru respect and hard work. Ask any youngster that is here illegally what their grandmother would say if she knew they started a strike or a riot and see how much they concern themselves with family values.
I live no more than 2 miles from the Rio Grande. I had illegal immigrants chased and cuffed in my very own backyard. Literally, inside my fence posts. My wife also has several relatives that are here illegally and they are the hardest working people I know. I do agree that a mass strike would definitely cause economic havoc