I respectfully disagree. There are many shapes and forms of victims. A victim of sex abuse has its own set of issues to deal with. A crime victim may have to deal with the everlasting wounds of his or her assault and so and so forth. In every case, you have a support network that meets your basic expectations. You expect your parents and closest relatives to be there for you and help you cope with the situations and therefore it is easier to transfer from the victim to the survivor state.
This is, to me, the biggest issue with cults and undue influence. Not only your are affected directly, but your support network is destroyed as well. If you exited the cult and your family did not and they continue to contribute to the problem rather than supporting you, then you have not finished being victimized. You can not blame people for that. You may have pulled away the knife but the wound still bleeds. It will continue to do so until you get someone to heal you. Until that happens, you are still a victim.
Telling someone that the have some share of responsibility on their feelings of being victims of this cult is exactly the approach of the bully. It isn't his fault that you are feeling hurt. We said you were free to go, but we are keeping your friends and family. If you still feel hurt, then you are the one who just doesn't want to go away.
Some I know, have not had another choice but to deal with the recovery on their own, facing years of issues, which eventually leads to emotional scars. The outcome is that when they find someone going thru the same issues, they tend to dismiss the other persons feelings. Suck it up buttercup! I've been there and look at me, I am still alive... not sure what is it that you are complaining about.