Lol Steve. No, I know exactly what they are coming for.
I discussed it with my wife during our lunch hour. Let me just say I was even more shocked at what my wife said. LOL
I mean in a good way. I guess I was not expecting her to react so favorably to something that has been a point of contention for quite a while.
In a nutshell we agreed we don't want to bring this up. That we welcome them in our home anytime but that currently we are not in a mental state to talk about the responsibilities of being a JW. I have quite a bit of pressure at work to perform (which is indeed true, my job is taking off for the better and I need to put a whole lot of attention to it) with quite a few people turning to me and trying to impose their views on how to manage our growth as a company. That if and when I go to the meeting I go seeking a spiritual refuge (my wife's word :D ) and that I've been missing meetings because we've been feeling under pressure there as well. From all the talks and publications which remind me of my shortcomings as a JW. While they are always welcome in my home and we appreciate their concerns as a true friend would concern, that we are afraid that if the conversation gets too deep into this matter I may loose my cool and say something that may be misinterpreted and we appreciate them too much as friends to risk that.
If they ask why? the answer would a polite is-non-of-your-business. In fact, my wife said it would be easier to tell them to fuck off but they would probably not take that the right way.
I was always madly in love with that woman but now more than ever. While this does not iron out all of our differences on the matter, it sure puts us a hell of a lot closer. The only doubt I have is that the elders may start questioning relatives. The best target they have is my mother in law, she lived with us recently. But my wife assures me she won't say anything. I guess we'll see.