Well I stand corrected. Kind of... I can definitely see some quality work there. I will take some time to read thru before I pass any further comments. I am not only referring to the quality of the content but the quality of journalism as well. Needless to say that any effort in bringing the truth forth is something I will applaud publicly but maybe criticize privately in places like here. Here are my point of contention
- The quality of journalism. I understand this is not something that comes about naturally, specially when this sort of thing would require you to put significant amounts of time towards it. Research, travel, reaching out to specialists or other media outlets.
- The difference between a news oriented site and a more analytical site. For example, the difference between jwsurvey and jwfacts. Both are required to be well thought out and presented in a way that makes for an easy read.
- The last and to me the most important, which was exalted by the first paragraph of this jwsurvey article (http://jwsurvey.org/news/news-article-sheds-light-on-watchtower-abuses-in-spain) is that we need more interaction between the different communities. Usually the major divide would occur between the English and Spanish JW communities due to the language barrier. We need a good way to bridge that divide. Usually, English readers would concentrate on English material only. Naturally so but while English is widely spoken worldview and a great crowd (sorry for the WT label) can be reached, we are in sort of a niche. We keep throwing arrows at this enemy that is obviously dwindling in the English field. We get plenty of information that not only is easy to read because it is on our language, but because we also understand the system in which the leadership plays. When it comes to the Spanish field, a lot may be getting lost in translation. In this field the WT enjoys the advantage that the people are not only disconnected by language, but also disconnected in understanding. If I go to a JW in Latin America and I show them paperwork regarding, for example, the Rilley fund, they may initially understand what it means but they will be easy to confuse by a refutal from the other side if the people don't understand how the American financial system works.
All of the above is meant to be a comment on whether there is a way we can better support ex-JWs in other languages. It is never meant to say they are ignorant. I am sure they understand their own issues better we ever could (I include myself because even though I am from SA, I was never a JW there). The idea is to bring forth the possibility that we could support the ex-JW community in other parts of the world with the ease of access and experience that we have in this side of the divide.