One more indication that the future of this cult is digital and getting closer to becoming a closed up network. Although this is speculation, they know deep inside that they can dream and if the can do so they can also make it happen. With wireless becoming so cheap and much more reliable, I can see how easy it would be for them to begin creating their own holy network. Off course, it would take time.
JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
QCS Telecom signs up with Allied Fiber
by StarTrekAngel ini don't recall seeing this come up after the document regarding qcs telecom.. leasing 288 miles of dark fiber is not cheap.
in fact, it borders in the crazy..
QCS Telecom signs up with Allied Fiber
by StarTrekAngel ini don't recall seeing this come up after the document regarding qcs telecom.. leasing 288 miles of dark fiber is not cheap.
in fact, it borders in the crazy..
I don't recall seeing this come up after the document regarding QCS Telecom.
Leasing 288 miles of dark fiber is not cheap. In fact, it borders in the crazy.
Best statement a householder made to get you to leave them alone.
by Esse quam videri inknocked on a door on a saturday morning.
a window opened on the floor above me.
a grizzled old man stuck his head out and said, " we're all heathens here!
Shortly after 9/11 while on FS. We tried to approach an old man that was working in is garden. His answer was (In Spanish) "There is lots of good people here, I am not sure what you are doing preaching here. Go over to Afghanistan where those bad people came from. They need to know about God, not us. Go away!"
Does the Watchtower Bible Society own stocks. Nad are those stock related to military business?
by CitizenofEarth inhello.. i am a young 18 year old danish guy, who is a baptized jw.
since one year ago i have been maturing gradually and asking questions about many things, not only about jw stuff(which has caused some problems.
but nothing i couldnt handle with a bit of social skill).
When non-profits offers you the option to donate by means of gift annuities, they need to find ways to offset or hedge for potential pitfalls in their pool of investments. I am not justifying them. I disagree with the stock buying as well but it comes to show you they operate like a business first and as a religion second.
As far as military stock or investments, the documents from the SEC show very clearly that the Watchtower owned anywhere from 40 to 52% of Regi/Randcam. While many have argued that the Watchtower did not directly managed these investments, the truth is that they are ripping the benefits and at the same time, they can not claim ignorance of the matter. I am sure financial regulations demand that the WT corporation be informed of the financial conditions of their investments and the IRS demands they report on the performance of it.
The same happens with the Rilley fund. While the Watchtower is only the beneficiary of the fund, the information in their own magazines state that this type of donation of stock are conditioned to the WT becoming owners of the fund upon the passing of its original donor. The Rilley fund BELONGS to the watchtower. Whether they intervene on the daily decisions of it I am not sure but it is of little relevance. Once again they are obligated to be in the know regarding the investments made. Because they are the owner they also have the power to direct Comerica Bank if they feel their money is miss used (like invested on defense companies). Several of the tax disclosures regarding this fund show that there are quite a few questionable investments. Raytheon, Lockeed, Boeing. Even some movie studios which produce questionable films (films they actually warn their members about).
As everything in life, with the exception of the speed of light and truth, everything is relative. The major disjunction in all of these may go beyond the moral. You could argue that it is unethical for any religion to invest in defense stock (in fact they teach as much) you could also put in perspective. What do they demand from their members? I think most of us here would agree that they would scold you if you dare to even stare towards one of this corporations as you pass by their offices. Ray Franz describes in his book the story of a brother who had to quit his job because part of it involved delivering food to a military base. There are many stories like it.
Will there ever be an accounting for religious leaders that go beyond what's written?
by Chook inall including wt prophets may be surprised.
Yes. That is a consensus among most witnesses, at least in my area. They will have to tell Jehovah and he will judge.
{/end of sarcasm/]
But really, cults love people who can self justify their suffering this way.
Day 5 - Fessler vs. Watchtower – Ends: Plaintiff settles in Jehovah’s Witness Child Abuse Trial
by darkspilver inday 5 in court - and apparently the plaintiff stephanie fessler has decided to settle.....
jehovah's witness sexual-abuse-coverup lawsuit settled.
february 13, 2017 at 2:37 pm, updated february 13, 2017 at 2:44 pm.
In the minds of the JWs, a settlement means a win for them. They can take the slightest sign of ambiguity and tip it in their favor. Cognitive dissonance at its best. What I am actually more disappointed about is the sensationalist advertisement that goes on in some sites about how this case was the best since Conti. Either they are over exaggerating the facts or they are assuming the vitctim's priorities.
My thoughts are with them as no one knows exactly what they have endured but themselves. They deserve every bit of reparation they can get.
However, in the larger picture, those of us who are proponents of change as we claim, should exercise more caution. Dealing with a cult is difficult when you only count with a few hours a day to debunk them and the cult counts with thousands of people working full time to debunk apostates.
I've been following this case with my wife and this settlement is not going to play well. She works with and has worked with lawyers for a very long time. She has seen her fair share of very large cases that in the eyes of common sense were lost before the start, yet the lawyers manage to make the criminal walk away free.
I should have kept that in mind. Lesson learned.
"serenity now!"
by nowwhat? injust had my annual checkup.
first time in 10 years my blood presure is normal.
and i've cut my anti anxiety medicine dosage by 75 percent.
Wow... congrats!
It is funny how it works different on everyone. While I did have some stress and anxiety over my "spirituality" in the past, nothing compares, in my particular case, to the stress and anxiety of leaving. Mostly from seeing the WT attempts to steal your loved ones.
Day 5 - Fessler vs. Watchtower – Ends: Plaintiff settles in Jehovah’s Witness Child Abuse Trial
by darkspilver inday 5 in court - and apparently the plaintiff stephanie fessler has decided to settle.....
jehovah's witness sexual-abuse-coverup lawsuit settled.
february 13, 2017 at 2:37 pm, updated february 13, 2017 at 2:44 pm.
Settled? Wow... Based on what I read on jwsurvey it seemed like Fessler had the winning side. May be the settlement was large enough?
Have a friend who only speaks Spanish and want him/her to learn TTATT?
by ILoveTTATT2 inif you have a friend who only speaks spanish, or they speak english but spanish is their preferred language, i am pleased to tell you that there is a spanish translation of jwfacts in progress.
so far, these are the completely translated articles:asociación de la watchtower con las naciones unidas - un ngo associationcelebración de los cumpleaños - birthdayslas transfusiones de sangre - bloodpredicción fallida de 1975 - 1975¿por qué está mal el ser un testigo de jehová?
- what's wrong with being a jw?escándalos de la watchtower - watchtower scandalsexpulsión y rechazo - disfellowshippingfolleto general acerca de la watchtower - pdf - general pdf about wtvideo - crecer como testigo de jehová - growing up a jw¿debería estar jehová en el nuevo testamento?
The site is registered to Paul Grundy from jwfacts. Big kudos to Paul for doing this. If I can be of any assistance, let me know!
Have a friend who only speaks Spanish and want him/her to learn TTATT?
by ILoveTTATT2 inif you have a friend who only speaks spanish, or they speak english but spanish is their preferred language, i am pleased to tell you that there is a spanish translation of jwfacts in progress.
so far, these are the completely translated articles:asociación de la watchtower con las naciones unidas - un ngo associationcelebración de los cumpleaños - birthdayslas transfusiones de sangre - bloodpredicción fallida de 1975 - 1975¿por qué está mal el ser un testigo de jehová?
- what's wrong with being a jw?escándalos de la watchtower - watchtower scandalsexpulsión y rechazo - disfellowshippingfolleto general acerca de la watchtower - pdf - general pdf about wtvideo - crecer como testigo de jehová - growing up a jw¿debería estar jehová en el nuevo testamento?
This is amazing!