Yes, agreed. The context is what matters here. That just because this kids is a Muslim, everyone framed him actions immediately. As John pointed, in his case no one thought anything of it.
I sure agree that the teachers are supposed to be alert in this day and time but it is very obvious that his skin color and name put the kid at a disadvantage and that is the sad part.
The last time I was at Defcon in Vegas, several kids (and some adults too) were going around carrying this electronic clocks strapped to their chests, walking around the entire hotel and no one thought anything of it.
For those not familiar, Defcon is a very well know hackers meeting that happens every year in Las Vegas. Is quite anonymous and it is known to have been grounds for the NSA/FBI to put undercover officers looking for threats or actual criminals. There was a higher chance for a real bomb to be lurking there than in the case above. Other crimes have been committed during those meetings before.