Well, the conversation was surrounded around my very first therapy session that just happened last Monday. She was more open to whatever I had to say because she just realized shit is getting real. I told the therapist and had already told her before that I believe I am having symptoms of PTSD. She asked why and we went over the same arguments again. Lies, deception, the fact that she is accepting lies from a stranger (namely the GB), etc etc
I think she has flashes of awakening but so far has a hard time accepting that there are less and less differences between this religion and any other.
Trust me, I don't have it as a bad as others. My wife is cool. If you gave her some space she could probably rant against the GB (I've heard her a couple of times) But I just wish we could be on the same page because the real part that troubles me the most are my kids (ages 7 and 11) which are growing up believing a fairy tale. My wife wants them to have some sort of spirituality. I am not against that. The problem is that this level of indoctrination will eventually, if and when they wake up, have them severely disappointed with their upbringing, with the resulting consequences (depression, self steem, etc) and could include resentment against parents.