JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
A New Watchtower trade name: Hudson Valley
by Gorbatchov inwatchtower and trading business is a never ending combination, now under the new name of hudson valley, selling their building machines online: .
Because they operate like a business. Like every business, when an asset begins to cost more to keep than to acquire a new one, the asset is decommissioned, regardless of its evident usefulness. We do this all the time at work. Millions of dollars worth of network equipment is forklifted out and replaced with new one. Sometimes this is done way before the end of its useful life. They still work and can be used but once you add depreciation cost and especially if the new gear will bring in greater revenues, then equipment is removed. Sometimes the cost of keeping up the old is higher than purchasing a new one. -
When will the inquiry in the UK begin?
by StarTrekAngel indoes anyone know when the inquiry into child abuse in the uk is set to begin?
any idea on the timelines?
I listened to the report on BBC radio about the destruction of documents by the WT. They said they may be facing a potential for criminal charge, unless they can legally prove that there was a reason to destroy the documents, despite the data protection act not demanding so and despite the inquiry having notified before hand to keep all documents.
The WT lawyers are not dumb. My feeling is that the legal implications of destroying the documents is much lesser than the legal implications of providing them. Sort of like when you are able to refuse a breathalyzer test because you know you are totally wasted and rather face a fine for refusal to comply.
When will the inquiry in the UK begin?
by StarTrekAngel indoes anyone know when the inquiry into child abuse in the uk is set to begin?
any idea on the timelines?
Does anyone know when the inquiry into child abuse in the UK is set to begin? Any idea on the timelines? -
How many of you are health nuts?
by Harvard Illiterate 411 inthere was/is a sister in my old hall who was a pharmaceutical sales rep and she was a huge proponent of anything in the drug industry.
when someone had a headache, she was the first to say "take an asprin.
" now my husband and i are what you might call old hippies.
I worked in a fairly large hospital for a few years. I was in IT, but I was fortunate enough to work closely with those in medical field. I did a lot of data gathering. While I am not going to say that I understood everything that was studied, I can tell you one thing. It was shocking to see the number of people that are dying of extremely preventable deceases at ages of less than 50. Those who survive, do so with such morbidity that I would rather be dead.
I've always suffered from allergies and comes spring, I would lose work sometimes when the allergic reactions were too severe. I went to a specialist, she prescribed something that I could have gotten over the counter (but since I had insurance). I had some side effects (nausea, blurred vision). She prescribed something else but it was not nearly as effective as stopping the reactions. Not once did she recommend a change of lifestyle or any other alternatives to, not replace medication, but may be complement it. It was useless.
Going back to my time in the hospital, I realized a couple of things. Whenever I had been invited to luncheons with doctors, there was no fried foods, no red meats and only natural teas to drink (made out of tea bags, no powder). Lots of veggies, fruits and salads ( and I am not referring to a Subway party tray). The vast majority were fit which also applied to many of the most experienced nursing staff. When participating in projects with them, they usually referred to patients with terms like cabbages (brain dead people in ICU). I found that to be a total lack of sensibility. So in my experience, the doctor tells you one thing but they practice another. When they do recommend lifestyle changes they simply repeat the old message (almost like a JW). "work out a sweat 20 min, 3 time a week and eat less food). Not to offend any doctors that may be around here. Please note that I am using words like "most" and "many", not "all doctors".
So I decided to give it a try. I started exercising and eating better and I mean a quite radical change. I started taking the most researched natural supplements. (like krill oil, vitamin D, and the like). Within 3 months I had more energy, I would also sleep better and longer. When the next spring came around, the allergies were so mild I could hardly notice it. I have not had a single allergy attack since 2009. Even when exposed to some of the weeds I am allergic to. Placebo effect? Call it what you want but if it works and only has good side effects, then why not? Why is the medical field not doing more of this?
I am not against medicine or science. But I have experienced first hand that the medical fields has done great strides in the science of alleviating the most life threatening medical conditions, so long they are not chronic. Transplants, trauma and injuries, etc. When it comes to the milder more chronic deceases, like diabetes, blood pressure, etc. Those they ride them on. I know because I provided the data that allowed them to milk insurance companies without crossing the line. There is no conspiracy, it is just the way it works.
Why is it that all vitamin supplements read "these claims have not been verified by the FDA" despite not having any major side effects but most FDA approved medications have more serious side effects than the condition they are meant to treat?
I think the answer is somewhere in the middle. A balance is important in all aspects of life and this is no exception. May be GMOs are not that bad and may be organics are overrated. Rather eat a GMO chicken day in and day out than sticking to nothing but beef because is all organic.
In summary. I still respect and visit my doctor when I need it. I vaccinate my children. But I have come to realize that I needed to take the doc down from the pedestal I had them on and I that I needed to listen to the other side of the story as well.
Animals were created without needing Toilet Paper ... but not Man ... Why???
by RubaDub inmy dog and other pets do their "business" and run away and are happy.. man does not have that luxury.
any thoughts on why animals were created with the "poop and go" capacity while man has to go through more steps?
was this perhaps an additional issue that god added on when adam and eve sinned (such as eve having significant more birth pains)?
I think is a combination of the lack of squatting (and not just once for a test, but rather as a habit), poor diet and lifestyle. Don't forget that some animals do tend to lick themselves sometimes. Also, who is to say that our extreme cleanliness is not scaring away other smaller critters that would take care of cleaning us?
Lots of assumptions in statement but I am pretty sure we would see some very different humans if we had stayed in the wild.
Can any believer make a case for the superiority of faith over knowledge?
by Half banana ini find it curious why so many here on this site, in the face of factual evidence for things such as evolution and the impossibility for anyone to make a coherent interpretation for the bible, would still prefer faith to knowledge?.
can any believer attempt a defence of this position?.
No. If we try to stay within the boundaries posed by the question then the answer, in my view, is no. A believer can not make such a case. Please lets not forget the key word here is "superiority". Is faith superior to knowledge? No. Is knowledge superior to faith? In my view, that depends...
In view of providing logical answers to everyday things, like science can answer the questions of evolution, then knowledge is a great thing and is superior to the current definition of faith. At this level, faith, in its existing definition, can not be compared because faith has gone from an expression of belief to a tool of manipulation. It has been redefined and we have taken this definition for so long that it is hard to go back. Since science has come to disprove many of the old beliefs, then faith has fought back because "faith" as a means to explain everything is much, much older than science. Faith is trying to hold its ground as the wild card of existence. In this aspect, knowledge is superior in which by nature, it questions itself constantly.
In view of the real definition of faith then things change. Sure, the bible may say that without faith is impossible to please God because you must believe. But that is just one paragraph. I am not defending the bible, I am just saying that we can not define an entire religion as good or bad with just one paragraph of such huge book. In doing so, we would not be any different than them. The truth is the bible is plastered with people of "great faith" who did nothing but demand proof of everything. Even Abraham himself demanded proof. The reliance of faith comes down to levels of impossibility. Especially if we base it in the examples we had from such an old book, when knowledge was not that great. Today, burning a calf on an altar after a voice from the skies orders you to do it may not go too far to convince people God exists. Sure some would but there is technology available that could make this happen without divine intervention. If people of those days saw such a thing, they would have immediately accepted that a power bigger than them has cause this. But there was things that were not so conclusive, even back on those days. When God asked Moises to go to Egypt, he asked God.. how would they know you sent me? He gave them signs. More than one actually. I remember the days in my old book studies when we often would pose either the questions or the affirmation... why would they have such a hard time having faith in God when they had seen so many miracles? ... if I had seen such things happen in front of me I would not have a bit of a doubt. I would not have lost my faith. Not true, as I have come to conclude.
Then there is also competition. Competition with the claim that other Gods could do the same. The bible mentions that some of the priests of Egypt could replicate some of the things Moises did in front of them. It did not come down to just wether God existed or not, it also came down to wether other Gods existed and which one was more powerful. With that said, faith came down to test you in each different situation. You had seen God do some things but since you are coming to know this God, how do you know how far his power goes? If he did a small things in front of you and then told you he was the only one and the most powerful one, would it be easy for you to stand in front of the Red Sea, with the Egyptian army on your butt and just a couple of reassuring words to go with?. It would be natural that they would lose faith. Therefore, faith is almost like a credit report you hold of your God. You have experience his abilities time after time and therefore you would eventually conclude that there is nothing you can fear. That is when faith has reached a pinnacle in your life. Not going to say it has happened to me but I am open to the possibility. I am just waiting for that God to reveal himself to me.
Meanwhile, science and knowledge have sure built a very good foundation based on the evidence it has presented. Science is not a God or my God for that matter, but sure I can expect that if science says that certain thing is going to happen, there is little doubt in my mind that it will happen. I have "faith" it will happen. Sure science has failed in the past. Up until the 70's homosexuality was classified as a decease and they had an ICD code for it, just like the flu. I keep saying that back then, just like the WT, we were convinced science had it figured it out. Many have claimed that back then they were just ignorant. Sure thing they were, but the science was contemplated as solid enough to add an ICD code. Put yourself in those days and you would have defended that science against any faith that would have said otherwise. It just so happened that at that time science and faith agreed.
Faith has been redefined as blind belief for the purpose of manipulating the masses. Faith and science should, in my view, never be considered superior to one another, so long that you don't do so within your own realm of definition. They should stay apart. Science can answer the physical world while faith can answer our own emotional and spiritual questions. After all, faith is not a modern invention. It is just as ingrained on us as many of the other things our ancestors gave us. It just need to be put back in its rightful place.
by OneFingerSalute injust a few observations from this morning.
.. this morning as i was trying to choke back the bile that kept wanting to come up during the wt study one comment in particular screamed cult.. towards the very end as comments were being made about "counseling" others with "gracious" words one of the uber-dub minstral-serpents made this comment, "we see in the last image that the brother is holding a bible as he counsels the other brother.
we look closely at the picture and we can know exactly what he is counseling the brother about.
If this study was recent, I wonder how certain sister in my cong feels. I just found out that the one anointed sister in our cong who everyone respects, had her true colors shine thru. Those of us who know her better are not surprised but others... not so sure. Said sister has a "spiritual daughter" whom she brought in to the "truth". This sister has two daughters of her own, teenagers. One of them is baptized and started a relationship with a "worldly" guy. As soon as the mother found out, she went to the elders and told them her daughter was dating. I am not sure what the reply from the elders was but if I had to go by the book, the elders are not talking action just yet. They only have the mother's side of the story.
Well apparently the mother does not necesarily see anything wrong with what her daughter is doing. She let her show up to the meeting with her boyfriend. As soon as the meeting was over, anointed sister took grabbed her by the arm and took her outside. There she started "counseling" her with what she describes as "not a friendly tone". She told her if she was out of her mind, letting her daughter show up to the meeting with her boyfriend like this, exposing her to get DFd. Source is a very close relative who happens to think (thankfully) that the anointed sister had no business doing this, even if she feels responsible for her "spiritual daughter".
The worst part is the hypocrisy. This "anointed" sister had skeletons of her own that will definitely make you question her ability to raise children. One of her sons is out of the org and she supposedly shuns him (at least she took to the stage during our 2015 assembly and cried about this). Her daughter was forcedly married to the son of an elders who was about to get DFd for sleeping around and getting a sister pregnant. She found out at the last minute that her future son--in-law had a kid outside of wedlock and she did not do anything at all.
New article on NBC regarding cults
by StarTrekAngel in
LOL. The above picture was posted in JW-Archive.
I assumed more people are familiar with the site. Most posts are signed by someone calling him/her self "The Librarian"
My first thought when I saw the caption on the picture is that of an elder grooming a kid for sex. Don't want you to think I am a perv but visitors at JW-Archive are very well aware of the sexual abuse cases in the org.
This gives anyone fire to troll the comment section of the post. Or so I feel.
It may not be anything at all, but an elder is making friendship with a 4 year old boy. You know this is going to attract attention to their site.
Again, may not mean anything bad. Personally I would not let anyone, let alone an elder, get this close to my kids. You know though that apostates lurking around JW-Archive will feed on this.
If I would run that site I would not have posted this picture.