I heard the same things at our memorial. Thought it was just a bad speech. Bad speech because we all 'know' what the bible says. When Jesus comes and all of the anointed are selected, no one would part take anymore. Two things stroke me though...
1- The bible says we would no longer do this once Jesus is back but is actually referring to, in the views of JW, to partaking. That doesn't automatically mean that a memorial or remembrance has to cease. We could basically say that this annual ritual, again based on the views and belief of JW, that this memorial started the night of passover in Egypt and has been celebrated since, even when the perfect sacrificial lamb has already been offered.
2- The tone of the speech made me feel they were referring to more current times and not so much to the new system.. Almost like if they were preparing the R&F for a culmination. IF we couple this with the latest trend of questioning the mental health of the anointed, it would not be difficult to imagine the end of this ceremony. Remember, in 2014 they posed the question out there as to wether that could be our last memorial. At the moment we all thought they were banking on the fear factor of the 100 years of the kingdom but, while the later could be true, it is interesting how this pairs up with the talk given this week.
While I can't say with certainty, it makes sense to think that they would want to end it if they can pull it off. For once, is a celebration that probably brings them little revenue. As far as I recall they have never used the memorial to beg for money. In many cases they rent places to do it so it actually costs money. On top of that, this is the last remnant of power for the anointed. If you were to stop the memorial, being anointed would not amount to more than another title without significance. The anointed are losing ground while growing in number. Most JWs with "two fingers of forehead" (in Spanish used as a measure of bare minimum intelligence) realizes that, wether is by culmination or elimination, the anointed have to all go (edit: not all go but at least reduce numbers, not grow) before the GT comes around. With the number of partakers growing, they are undermining the idea of 'the end is near'. What better way give themselves another bit of credibility, cut cost and finally remove the power the anointed, if they ever had any, still hold?