I remember when John Kerry was running for president. He sealed his faith when he told a group of college students that it was good for them to get a degree... or else they would end up in Iraq. He had a huge backslash for that. Soldiers were posting pictures with misspelled signs as a sarcastic way of getting their responses across.
In my view, Kerry had the right thought, but communicating it was a whole other ball game. Won't want to start yet another branched discussion under this OP but the main point is that sometimes is difficult to communicate the right things to people and much more specially when the listener is not ready or willing to discuss something that in their mind is already set in stone. I am not genius at this either. It is certainly a form of art.
While I am going to stop far from affirming that this is cofty's case (I agree that no one know him better than himself), it is not illogical to think that the influences in our live's can be pervasive, yet subtle enough that we won't notice them. I heard of many stories of JW who wake up once they begin to read the bible without the influence of the WT. They were seeking truth in the bible. Therefore, it is to be implied that the individual first accepts bible as the truth and begins to question his body of belief under the influence of the bible. This is because we were led to believe that regardless of our religion, the bible is the fundamental truth that leads to faith. I believe that this is why you see so many cases of people who upon leaving the JW, either go back to their original religions or have an eventual second awakening where they stop believing altogether.
I think that the ultimate reason for leaving our faith (in this case the JW) can most likely be found on the traits of our current life. This is what, most likely, we were seeking all along. How we got there is a process and is hardly ever easy to say what may have influenced us to get there or to even begin the process. We may also discover, during that process, that what we think led us to today, it was just a spark that lit a much bigger fire.