Here is the message I sent him today.
Sorry for not replying sooner. I've been thinking about it. I want you to know that you and your family won a place in our heart long ago. You are welcome in my home whenever you please. With that said, I understand you also have a responsibility to Jehovah and that you are probably worried about us. This have been trying times for us. As I mentioned before, I had some things come up at work that have affected my health. Physically as much as emotionally. The irony is that now things at work have taken a turn but like if it was a joke now all the expectations are put on me. There is a high demand for my department to perform and all eyes are on me which has become almost a traumatic experience. Everyone is taking it upon themselves to point me where they think I should go and I am finding myself unable to handle so much responsibility from every angle. The fact that I am always under someone's finger trying to tell me how I should run the office. What does this have to do with Jehovah?
If you put an egg between your hands and you pressure until it breaks, which hand would you blame for the mess? The left or the right? Physics shows us that pressure will distribute equally among each hand and there is no way to avoid this. Is a natural law. My case is very similar. I am at the edge of my patience and my wife and I needed some time to heal. Otherwise, I ran a chance of loosing it during the meeting and disrespect someone unwillingly
With this I am not saying I forgot Jehovah completely. I have prayed a lot and he has directed me thru the bible quit a bit. I still read and study, even more than before. Him and I only know how this situation goes that is why I believe he understood I needed some time to meditate, which was the healthy thing to do. I hope this is the start of a new chapter in our life. As I said, you are welcome in my home anytime but I don't feel in a mental state to discuss this subjects. Thank you
Thank you for your sincerity brother S....... and for the appreaciation. I want you to know we have you in our thoughts and prayers. Always remember what 1 Cor 10:13 says. Jehovah would never test you beyond what you can handle. We'll do our best to be there Friday and we will respect your privacy