The WT never does anything for free. Chances are that there is some sort of program or later benefit they would get from doing this. Kind of like when they were in with the UN, they may have to advertise their actions in order to get later recognition whenever they request their kickback.
JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
10 website and Matt 6:1-4
by NikL insaw the news story on this morning about all the help they are sending to congo after flooding there.
yay for them!
oh wait!.
Finally, after almost 3 years, they want to visit with me
by StarTrekAngel inso i ended up going to the meeting yesterday.
i have been absent for almost 2 months.
my wife was also absent as long but mostly out of chance.
Well they did come after all. Funny that regardless of how much they promised to respect our privacy, I guess the message was not really that clear.
Let me backtrack a little since I definitely agree with the sentiment in your responses. I was expecting them to come for more than just a hangout. We still opened the door to their visit as I mentioned. They ended up confirming and we prepared a meal. Got some wine to help me stay relaxed and not scream my head off. Like I said, they are indeed very nice people and I really expected them to make good of their word.
And they did....... to a degree.
When they arrived, I went to get the door and as soon as I walked in, I noticed he was carrying his ipad. Not a good sign, I thought but may be, just may be, he had to take it away from his children so that they may socialize a bit instead of putting their heads down into the tablet. We had a nice meal and pleasant conversation regarding just family trips and experiences with kids (The funny type). Once we had dessert and the conversation was toning down he asked me if it was ok for him to play some videos with experiences of brothers. I said that was ok.
He played three videos of handicapped JW or people with terminal illnesses that were preaching happily despite their obstacles. So basically the message for me is that I have some sort of condition that seems to cripple me in my activities. I am not sure what to make of it but that is fine. What actually played well for me is that the very same morning, my wife and I had a very pleasant discussion on the shortcoming of the WT as a charity and how deceitful their interpretations of "works of mercy" was. Just the last Sunday it was said that works of mercy meant preparing for and attending meetings. Funny enough, one of the videos they showed us was the one about Phelicity Sneesby. The young JW that died due to a heart condition but had to be flown back to Australia in her last days. The WT used her for propaganda but did not put a penny towards the trip back home. Today I sent her the link so that she could see. Seeing that video was certainly a great leeway to continue showing my wife just how deceitful and evil this organization is. So, a very positive visit if you ask me.
Once they left, my wife was like "Well that went better than I expected". I guess she did expect them to dig for information and they did not.
Scriptures rarely mentioned
by dothemath ina couple of examples of scriptures hardly ever quoted is 1 tim.
2:12- "i do not permit a woman to teach, or to exercise authority over a man, but to be in silence".
or verse 11- "let a woman learn in silence with full submissiveness.".
Deuteronomy 17:8 - A caveat to the two witness rule.
If a case arises in one of your cities that is too difficult for you to judge, whether it is a case involving bloodshed+ or a legal claim that has been raised or a violent deed that has been committed or other matters of dispute, you should rise up and go to the place that Jehovah your God chooses.+ 9 Go to the Levitical priests and to the judge+ serving in those days, and make your inquiry, and they will hand down the decision to you
Criminal cases do not mention second witnesses as the absolute and only means of establishing matters. Provided we also understand that Israel was a sovereign nation back then and therefore their "priests" or judges were the oficial judicial authorities of the time. Such is not the case anymore and was not the case when the Jews where in captivity. Roman authorities were consulted when they could not solve crimes. The same should be done today.
SPAIN: Crónica Global - Jehovah's Witnesses order cases of abuse of children internally - In Spanish & English - Google Translated
by AndersonsInfo in .
crónica global .
los testigos de jehová ordenan resolver los casos de abusos a niños internamente.
The question that remains to be answered is... when do they report? As soon as an allegation is made or only after is has been confirmed by a second witness?
Lets not get caught up in their game of words.
Giving money is thrilling?
by punkofnice inwatchtower study edition nov 16 pg 19. classic............................ .
It is certainly used in a discreet manner..... no one knows how it is used..
Giving money is thrilling?
by punkofnice inwatchtower study edition nov 16 pg 19. classic............................ .
Finally, after almost 3 years, they want to visit with me
by StarTrekAngel inso i ended up going to the meeting yesterday.
i have been absent for almost 2 months.
my wife was also absent as long but mostly out of chance.
Here is the message I sent him today.
Sorry for not replying sooner. I've been thinking about it. I want you to know that you and your family won a place in our heart long ago. You are welcome in my home whenever you please. With that said, I understand you also have a responsibility to Jehovah and that you are probably worried about us. This have been trying times for us. As I mentioned before, I had some things come up at work that have affected my health. Physically as much as emotionally. The irony is that now things at work have taken a turn but like if it was a joke now all the expectations are put on me. There is a high demand for my department to perform and all eyes are on me which has become almost a traumatic experience. Everyone is taking it upon themselves to point me where they think I should go and I am finding myself unable to handle so much responsibility from every angle. The fact that I am always under someone's finger trying to tell me how I should run the office. What does this have to do with Jehovah?
If you put an egg between your hands and you pressure until it breaks, which hand would you blame for the mess? The left or the right? Physics shows us that pressure will distribute equally among each hand and there is no way to avoid this. Is a natural law. My case is very similar. I am at the edge of my patience and my wife and I needed some time to heal. Otherwise, I ran a chance of loosing it during the meeting and disrespect someone unwillingly
With this I am not saying I forgot Jehovah completely. I have prayed a lot and he has directed me thru the bible quit a bit. I still read and study, even more than before. Him and I only know how this situation goes that is why I believe he understood I needed some time to meditate, which was the healthy thing to do. I hope this is the start of a new chapter in our life. As I said, you are welcome in my home anytime but I don't feel in a mental state to discuss this subjects. Thank you
Thank you for your sincerity brother S....... and for the appreaciation. I want you to know we have you in our thoughts and prayers. Always remember what 1 Cor 10:13 says. Jehovah would never test you beyond what you can handle. We'll do our best to be there Friday and we will respect your privacy
Finally, after almost 3 years, they want to visit with me
by StarTrekAngel inso i ended up going to the meeting yesterday.
i have been absent for almost 2 months.
my wife was also absent as long but mostly out of chance.
YEah... I guess she meant to say we were not expected to roll out the red carpet. Just a chat. I guess you could say you would like for a good friend to pay you a visit when you are sick and that is the way they see it. Either way we are not falling for it.
Finally, after almost 3 years, they want to visit with me
by StarTrekAngel inso i ended up going to the meeting yesterday.
i have been absent for almost 2 months.
my wife was also absent as long but mostly out of chance.
LOL. true that tepidpoultry.
I forgot to mention. I told my wife that I was surprised that the visit would him and his wife rather than two elders. She says she recalls a time (probably before I was a JW) when they would encourage couples where the man was an elder to sort of foster the company of other couples as a way to bring the spiritually weak up to speed. She feels that is the reason but I do not recall in my 17 years being a JW of ever hearing of such arrangement...
Finally, after almost 3 years, they want to visit with me
by StarTrekAngel inso i ended up going to the meeting yesterday.
i have been absent for almost 2 months.
my wife was also absent as long but mostly out of chance.
Lol Steve. No, I know exactly what they are coming for.
I discussed it with my wife during our lunch hour. Let me just say I was even more shocked at what my wife said. LOL
I mean in a good way. I guess I was not expecting her to react so favorably to something that has been a point of contention for quite a while.
In a nutshell we agreed we don't want to bring this up. That we welcome them in our home anytime but that currently we are not in a mental state to talk about the responsibilities of being a JW. I have quite a bit of pressure at work to perform (which is indeed true, my job is taking off for the better and I need to put a whole lot of attention to it) with quite a few people turning to me and trying to impose their views on how to manage our growth as a company. That if and when I go to the meeting I go seeking a spiritual refuge (my wife's word :D ) and that I've been missing meetings because we've been feeling under pressure there as well. From all the talks and publications which remind me of my shortcomings as a JW. While they are always welcome in my home and we appreciate their concerns as a true friend would concern, that we are afraid that if the conversation gets too deep into this matter I may loose my cool and say something that may be misinterpreted and we appreciate them too much as friends to risk that.
If they ask why? the answer would a polite is-non-of-your-business. In fact, my wife said it would be easier to tell them to fuck off but they would probably not take that the right way.
I was always madly in love with that woman but now more than ever. While this does not iron out all of our differences on the matter, it sure puts us a hell of a lot closer. The only doubt I have is that the elders may start questioning relatives. The best target they have is my mother in law, she lived with us recently. But my wife assures me she won't say anything. I guess we'll see.