The money hungry (and deceitful) sods.
HM would that bill have been.. just pay up and be grateful you dont get done for trying to rob the water dept.
new york city gives religious buildings water exemptions if the building is entirely used for religious purposes and if there is a caretaker's apartment, there can be only one.
that assembly hall had 2. the water dept denied their application for exemption on that basis.
The money hungry (and deceitful) sods.
HM would that bill have been.. just pay up and be grateful you dont get done for trying to rob the water dept.
to save trauma victims, doctors may swap blood with cold water till patients diedoctors at the university of pittsburgh medical center plan to treat trauma patients with an experimental procedure that induces hypothermia by replacing their blood with freezing saltwater.. .
by kate murphy.
the new york times.
I read somewhere:
When the US forces invaded the Iwo Jima the caualties were horrific in number and type. The medics quickly ran out of plasma and resorted to using sea water filtered through gauze and saved the lives of many marines.
Semper Fi!
someone suggested i post an introductory thread.
i am a married, rather young grandma of four precious rugrats, ages 2-9. i guess our only child son and his only child wife didn't want their own kids to be "onlies".
my other half and i married rather young (18 &22) and will be celebrating 31 years together this summer.. i am sort of add, keep thinking i am still 28, love my husband now more than ever, and am so glad i woke up and left the crazy cult.. my husband and i began studying months after marrying and then decided to take the dunk.
What a colourful history. Your sincerity has immense magnitude. I am happy your son made it back from A. I wish him the best in his new role. I used to write the occasional little article to a magazine called Keepers Voice and I hope it is still publishing.
With the breadth of experience you all have you have a massive plinth to found your futures and nows on.
breaking news :charity commission takes watchtower to charity tribunal in britain.
two weeks ago we run an article about the abuse case in moston manchester congregation .it would seem that the coverage from the main local newspaper manchester evening news and two national newspapers has alarmed the charity commission the official regulator for charities in england and wales and now for the first time !
they opened an official investigation on both charities ,the local one ,moston congragation and the central one jehovah's witnesses of britain indicating that in their eyes these two are connected and liable for any misconduct .this is the time for a concentrated campaign from all of us to inform the charity commission why the watchtower should not be a called a charity .the article above has a link for the charity commission complaint page .follow it!.
Charity commission link
Find Charities
Charity Search
enter 216647
just thought this was interesting - people in positions of power have the same insincere don't give a **** attitude no matter what organisation - religious or otherwise.. this letter of a young boy to australian pm tony abbott about gay marriage and the response reminded me so much of my letters to bethel and many other people's.
the response has the same tone as watchtower responses..
it's not as sensational as his other antics that have been in the news lately, but that formulatic don't give a shit letter reminded me of wt..
RC and the Prime Minister of Australia for all you non aussies.
so, one hot beautiful (not a cloud in the sky) kind of summer day, there was an elder who decided to re shingle his house.
this was on the book study day.
he started early and got all the shingles off of the roof in time for the book study that night.
and that study knowledge (old light) has long been forgotten while the damage and the debt last.
hye folks-just wanted some info.
is wearing a wire to a jc or any other meeting an easy-to-do thing.
how do you go about trying to find to an agency that hires out equipment?
so how didi it go?
and pilate asked him, art thou the king of the jews?
and he answering said unto him, i cant remember.
mark 15:2 (st. louis version 2014).
193 times.
He should spend 193 months in jail then.
I used to read Peanuts. I hated that Lucy! I had a few of them in my child hood-teachers pets too.
dear friends.
i never was a dub.
i am not a qualified lawyer or accountant.
So with the end 'so-close' why are they trawling all this capital in buildings and cash?.
What the hell are they going to spend it on.?
If some other big countries sell up their US Bonds as they well may do the US $ wont be worth peanuts. Then what?. They will have the majority of their followers, unhoused, unemployed and in a terrible situation. So are they grabbing it all now because it wont be there soon? To what end? There is an old expression about death and money; "You cant take it with you." and dying the wts in its present incarnation most certainly is. There is no additional Jesus to come and die for them and their old way and give them a new way. They have rejected the coming of the Christ as the gb/wts has taken his position.
The wts is frequently quoting the old testament (when they are not knocking King David or quoting Paul) and like the Pharisees they live in splendour and have their own made traditions that they impose on others and like the princes of that era who were eventually hammered by Rome they too will face there own day of destruction.
What did Jesus say; "No man knows the hour nor the day".. and feed the orphans, house the widows and the poor etc He didnt say take pledges from the ill-educated the underemployed the low paid and build yourselves mansions.