As Mark Anthony said to Julius Caesar when Cleopatra paraded herself before them for the first time.
"Julius take a look at her figure; XXXVI--XXII-XXXVI yay yay aye !"
for years, as i've read through the bible, i've wondered why bible writers were concerned about physical beauty (see references below)?
i realize it's human nature to be interested in beauty, but why did they see fit to record in the so-called "word of god" the fact that some of the people they wrote about were beautiful?
looks are not supposed to matter according to jw doctrine (and probably the doctrine of many christian-professing sects).
As Mark Anthony said to Julius Caesar when Cleopatra paraded herself before them for the first time.
"Julius take a look at her figure; XXXVI--XXII-XXXVI yay yay aye !"
to those who have been part of my journey with your answers on the page or by pm my many heartfelt thanks and i hope i have been of some support as well.
some of your accounts have been warming some have been so sad i had to leave off the site a time as they opened wounds.
indeed we can never remove them but with the care and keeping of each other here and of course attending to formal counselling and medication much repair can be made.. i hope that 2015 is for each and all wherever you be a time of further healing, discovery and peace.. special thanks to simon for planting this garden of rest for us all.. zebagain .
About to go to bed, was tidying up and found this as the quote for 31st December 2014.
"Conformity is the..jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth" said by John F Kennedy.
okay, some good takeaway:.
i have never been to a convention quite like this before.
a very friendly vibe all around, lots of banners and posters with sayings like "sending love to all our brothers", "see you in the paradise", "ecuador sends greetings", and "" (okay, i lied on that last one...).
so we have women on heat, *individuality in dress with a gentle spattering of civic pride/ nationalism. Mein Gott! It sounds almost.... wait for it..........................................................worldly!
It would be great to see the various tribal, clan, racial whatever costumes being realized.
Hey! That means i could wear a kilt in honour of my ancestors.
("what's worn under your kilt Jock?")
"Nothings worn,.. it all works perfectly well".
* female need eh? let me guess they are going to put out a 'schedule' for nookie nights?
to those who have been part of my journey with your answers on the page or by pm my many heartfelt thanks and i hope i have been of some support as well.
some of your accounts have been warming some have been so sad i had to leave off the site a time as they opened wounds.
indeed we can never remove them but with the care and keeping of each other here and of course attending to formal counselling and medication much repair can be made.. i hope that 2015 is for each and all wherever you be a time of further healing, discovery and peace.. special thanks to simon for planting this garden of rest for us all.. zebagain .
To those who have been part of my journey with your answers on the page or by pm my many heartfelt thanks and I hope I have been of some support as well. Some of your accounts have been warming some have been so sad I had to leave off the site a time as they opened wounds. Indeed we can never remove them but with the care and keeping of each other here and of course attending to formal counselling and medication much repair can be made.
I hope that 2015 is for each and all wherever you be a time of further healing, discovery and peace.
special thanks to Simon for planting this garden of rest for us all.
passenger plane from surabaya (indonesia) missing on flight to singapore.
everyone is out looking for it.
sad sad sad.
ran into an uber-dub known from my history in the org......she had to be very sure i wasn't d'fed or d'aed - merely "inactive" so she could give me a big hug and inform me that she knows i'm coming back to jehovah because he understands my "hurt" and....blah blah blah.
it struck me how dependent they are on labels.......and how very stupid it can hug me because i don't have the df label?
would i be a different person if i had that label?
if you have not looked in for a time then have a look now.
i feel sick that i ever supported the wt org and its teachings.
documents and media releases relating to the shunning and discrimination of a special needs child by jehovahs witnesses in relation to the melbourne international convention, 17-19 october 2014. the following documents and press release were received by jw leaks in relation to the jehovahs witnesses international convention at etihad stadium, melbourne, australia.
it is understood that due to last minute information in relation to the administration and control of the first aid health services at the convention the following press documents had not been released to the media.. prior to publishing and releasing the following sensitive information, the members of the team at jw leaks made formal inquiries with the victorian workcover authority (vwa) and the administrators of etihad stadium (melbourne stadiums limited) as to whether measures have been put in place to prevent the jehovahs witnesses and watchtower bible and tract society of australia from operating any first aid health services and first aid department in alleged breach of applicable health and safety laws.. we were assured that the jehovahs witnesses will no longer have control of the first aid management at the event but that st john ambulance first aid officers will be on site for each of the three days.
it is our understanding that this was done for the purpose of protecting the health and safety of all 70,000 daily patrons and delegates attending the convention.