Anyone else play America's Army?
i've a server up and running onslaught maps.
in the web browser, under the "ons" maps, look for the: .
ut2k4 east coast server .
Anyone else play America's Army?
i've a server up and running onslaught maps.
in the web browser, under the "ons" maps, look for the: .
ut2k4 east coast server .
I prefer the game America's Army. Its a VERY good first person shooter made by the US Army...and it is FREE!
Here's the link,
i have a new page at the quotes site: .
russell grave:
i realize this is not a new item, however i felt it was important to add it to the quotes archive.
Very nice Quotes, keep it up!
BTW, spelling error in the title of the site, Gravesite is spelt Gavesite.
anyone going to the memorial this coming weekend?
i didnt want to, but my wife does.
i guess i will end up going....anyone else?
Missy and I will be going together. She wants to know what its all about.
i have heard that akh on the isle of portland consisted of stone.. .
another kh,so i understand looks like a cathedral.. what style and looks did u know a kh had?
Not too long ago, they had a "Questions from Readers" about buying churches for Kingdom Halls. Probably 2000 or so. They said it was ok for them to buy them.
i have heard that akh on the isle of portland consisted of stone.. .
another kh,so i understand looks like a cathedral.. what style and looks did u know a kh had?
Some interesting KHs I found with a quick GIS.
I saw one in Canada (BC or Alberta) that looked like a log cabin.
This one?
my 13 year old nephew is always calling me to come over and play xbox with him.
the xbox belongs to my 17 yr old step-nephew, all three of us play together a lot of the time.. problem is, all he ever wants to play is halo.
don't get me wrong, i think halo is one of the greatest video games ever made, but i just don't think that he is mature enough to keep a game like that in perspective.
I am a moderator on the largest videogame messageboard on the 'net and I know a lot about XBox in particular.
IGN? I thought i reconized your screen name. I haven't been there in ages! Good ol' ICB
hi guys.
as a "newbie" who is here, but not yet there!!!!!!!!!!!
i say hello to every one in jwd.
could you tell us appox how much the site costs for one month? Just curious
i. what a sad sad story!
i really believe that her being a jw did in part, kill her baby.
the fact that she was scared to tell her parents about her being pregnant just goes to show it.
What a sad sad story! I really believe that her being a JW did in part, kill her baby. The fact that she was scared to tell her parents about her being pregnant just goes to show it. She was afraid on being DF'ed.
Reading things like these, just goes to show that the Watchtower is a cult.
hi guys.
as a "newbie" who is here, but not yet there!!!!!!!!!!!
i say hello to every one in jwd.
There's the DONATE button at the top of the page. Also, there's the google ads in the boc below the first post.
I really like how this site has stayed pop-up/under free and without and big ads!