Anyone going to the memorial this coming weekend? I didnt want to, but my wife does. I guess I will end up going....anyone else? Any ideas on how to get out of it, without hurting my wifes feelings?
Anyone going to the memorial??
by New Castles 27 Replies latest jw experiences
franklin J
you could conveniently become sick.
I'd say: if you love her - go with her and endure. Next year could be different already.
"Not me!", said I
Doubtfully Yours
In body only. Certainly not in mind or spirit.
I'll just be looking forward to the dinner all of us 'spiritually weak' ones will go to afterwards.
Very sad, I know.
Missy and I will be going together. She wants to know what its all about.
New Castles
Thats right, Doubtfully Yours, forgot about the dinner afterwards...well maybe I will go.
Like many others, I will go with my wife. It is not a big deal.Although I have the advantage of being an established "Husband who attends" and there will be no surprises or funny looks from ex brothers.
An way it is a scriptural meeting. Even if you discount half of the outline material you are left with a review of the night Christ died. I have not left those things behind .
I'll probably be going, to take my elderly mother. Will be my last one, so it will be kind of nostalgic, in a mind-numbingly boring kind of way.