As long as any "splinter groups" that may form retain the shunning policy, they will be just as worthless. Like I've said before, once Witnesses lose their fear of shunning, it's all over for the WT.
News from Mother ship
by jefferywhat 283 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If the trigger event wasn't the handling of pedofiles in the orginization what would be classified as a "trigger event"? There's loads of stuff that should be considered trigger event that doesn't actually trigger anything. The generation change, the blood doctrine change, the aforementioned silent lambs scandal, I'm just curious if those aren't big enough, what will be?
Good questions, but a trigger event doesn't have to be big. It just has to be big enough to push a system over a threshold at the proper time. The things you mentioned are causing stress and confusion in the society. Who knows when the straw that breaks the camels back will come? It could easily be something internal like the shifting of loyalties of a single influential person.
High Level Apostate...
Could it be...
David Splane
Gerritt Losch
Sam Herd
Who is it?????
Inquiring minds wanna know
Can you imagine the conundrum a loyal JW would be faced with? If each side presented strong evidence that
they alone are being directed by Jehovah's spirit (and we all know how easily the scriptures can be twisted to favor your side),
which one would you choose? Old or New? What if there are major changes all the way around and it includes a split, which
one is right? Whew!!
Doubting Bro
I agree with some of the other posters who said that even without the title "PO" the duties would still need to be carried out. They used to(before my time) rotate the positions on the BOE and that was an utter failure. I could see the tasks being split up and delagated to various elders. One person chosen by the BOE could serve as chairman during the meetings, draw up the agenda, and call meetings and have a term limit of 1 year. Another could be in charge of the Service Meeting again with a term limit. I'm just not sure what that would accomplish. The PO is chosen by the local BOE with the CO having final say. I don't think the PO is anyone or less a rep of the WTS than any other elder. By the way, I think all elders, MS & regular pioneers are reps of the WTS since it is the WTS and not the local congregation that bestows that position on them. The local BOE "recommends", the CO (a middle manager of the WTS) adds his 2 cents and then the WTS does the actual appointing.
I don't see how this change could lessen the potential liability to the WTS. Even if local congregations were to hold elections, the semi-annual CO visits and the myriad of BOE letter still make the connection back to "mother". I must be missing something.
As for the other part, I don't doubt that some high ranking members have "doubts". But, color me cynical, I just don't buy into a schism at this point. Certainly not an organized revolution! I know it happens, even in high control groups like JWs. I think if something like that were to happen, a mole would get in and the dissenters would be picked off one by one. Especially if they were in bethel. I'll live up to my nickname on this rumor. Not saying its not true, I just wouldn't bet any money on it.
But if a high ranking JW knew about the 607BC lie the borg has taught fo years, and hasn't gotten an satisfactory answer from God's mouthpiece... it could casue trouble. Or anything the GB teaches that's outright bullcrap...
The scholar is going to be losing sleep!!
Who's going to break it to him? -
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying a split can't happen, I just think with all the things I listed as being such big changes to dogma and nothing happening I can't see it happening with something that is no doubt smaller than that. I mean unless they're figuring on changing 144,000 from a literal number to a figurative one (you know, actually applying the scripture instead of cherry picking one as being literal in a book of metaphor).
2. Major Organizational changes about to start rolling out, one is changes to the "service committee" and titles, PO to be done away with, thats all I know for now.
The governing body have distanced themselves from the legal corporations for the protection of the Jehovah’s movement. They have spread the control of their assets to sub-corporations all over the world. They are going to distance themselves from the congregations. How?
Recently, they had to pay out millions for pedophile cases. They lost the clergy client privileges. The only privilege they managed to maintain was lawyer/client privileges. They want to distance themselves from the congregations. How? by allowing the elders in a congregation to run things autonomously to a great extent. However, there will be one person, who will be appointed by the legaldepartment of the WTas their representative, and all correspondence from the congregation will be handled by this person and forwarded to the legal department in Brooklyn or wherever. These special hired hands will be working solely as legal assistants of the legal departments. All the correspondence will be covered by lawyer/client privilege and will not be opened to scrutinization of any court. These strong armed heavies will be called in from time to time to receive special schooling and instructions, all under the name of the Legal Department.
It will be like the Communist party, every cell, every army or navy unit, had its special commissar to make sure the party line was followed.
That sounds like something the society would do.
good theory, very plausible.
And the r&f wouldn't necessarily notice the change.
Elders would though...