1. Bethel in NY suspect high level apostate, cant identify it but know its there.
2. Major Organizational changes about to start rolling out, one is changes to the "service committee" and titles, PO to be done away with, thats all I know for now.
Was told that if you are the sort of person that cant handle changes, you wont stay in the org for long.
Will update as I hear.
News from Mother ship
by jefferywhat 283 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Last Nephilim
PO to be done away with? How ever will they be able to identify apostates at the local level without the all- knowing PO? I like the idea, though. Our PO rules with an iron fist!!!!
I wonder if the 'elimination' of title will PO the POs
The Last Nephilim
I'm sure our PO will be PO'd!!!!
Interesting, Jeffery.
Bethel in NY suspect high level apostate, cant identify it but know its there.
Perhaps this site is having an effect even on some Watchtower officers!
Major Organizational changes about to start rolling out, one is changes to the "service committee" and titles, PO to be done away with, thats all I know for now.
As long as there have been Bible Student / JW congregations, there's always been a guy in charge. The title may change, but the attitude won't.
Was told that if you are the sort of person that cant handle changes, you wont stay in the org for long.
JW's are trained to idolize / adore their organization. These changes will be accepted, like others, as evidence of God's direction of the organization. What's truth one year is tossed out the next.
Word is that they want to do away with anything that has a connotation of power, i.e Presiding overseer.
Apparently its not just the title but the arrangement of BOE's, all designed to lose the "Boss" mentality.
The old PO's will be PO!
Not before time. -
it is interesting that they will eliminate the title. However, I wonder if they will eliminate the position?
Just like in Bethel, they eliminated the title Bethel Elder, but the position still exists.
As a bethelite you still need to go to a Bethelite Elder, with problems rather than a standard Elder.
This leads me to conclude, the titles may go away, but the actions and authority will remain.
It is only in the semantics. -
Sounds like more shuffling of the deck chairs on the Titanic, to me!
No PO! That would be interesting!
If they can lose their own connection with what is happening in the congregatoins and claim that appointments of elders and POs are nothing to do with them then they can also claim that they don't have to pay out precious cash to victims of child abuse.
They're a bunch of crafty, cash grabbing buggers at the top of the stinking WatchTower heap of rotting manure!!
2. Major Organizational changes about to start rolling out, one is changes to the "service committee" and titles, PO to be done away with, thats all I know for now.
One of the nicer features on the H.M.S. Titanic was the mobility of the deck chairs.