Oh yes, I'm sure that the wife is THRILLED to have her husband's free evening hijacked by needy sister whacko again.
May 15 2011 WT - study edition out
by just n from bethel 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
How does the guy propose a marriage if they havent had a relationship already? Thats BS!?
Love the picture on Page 20, Witnesses counting time by going "tent to tent" exploiting desperate, frightened and homeless earthquake victims in Haiti.
As if those poor souls haven't suffered enough, these vultures holding Bibles arrive to tell them they ain't seen nothin' yet. Get baptised as a Jehovah's Witness or next time God will really get you.
Here's an uplifting article on page 26, "Following Christ, the Perfect Leader."
Now in what ways shall we follow Christ:
1. By forgiving those who trespass against us?
2. By showing love and consideration to those around us, even those who live a lifestyle different to ours?
3. By condeming religious leaders who impose their will on gullible followers?
Nope: "In the first century, the apostles set a fine example of submitting to Christ’s leadership."
"Our recognizing Christ’s leadership involves submission to his “brothers.” We also demonstrate our submission to
Christ’s “brothers” by cooperating with the appointed overseers in the Christian congregation. By all means, let us obey our Leader and cooperate with those he is using today."Maybe I'm dumb, but when I read the Bible I see all sorts of lessons Christ taught. I just don't seeChrist barking "Submit! Submit!"
Daisies & a ring. I wish the first wife stuck up her hand like that. Would have saved me 34 yrs. of misery. I could have robbed a bank & a liquor store & been out of prison already... with the money & liquor.
Black Sheep
'scriptural council' has to come from a 1989 Watchtower placed OVER a Bible to make sure the Bible is kept in its rightful place.
Therevealer, Villabolo that 's exactly what I thought when I first saw the picture!
How important is it for us to follow Jesus’ footsteps?
Imagine you were in a group that had to cross a minefield and only one of your number
knew how to make it through safely. Would you not follow his steps closely, perhaps
even stepping in his tracks? Similarly, our future security depends upon patterning
our life after Jesus’ example. Doing so includes listening to and obeying him and cooperating
with those who represent him.
Our recognizing Christ’s leadership involves submission to his “brothers.”
We do well to examine how we respond
to timely Scriptural counsel presented in
our Bible-based publications. By studying
the Scriptures and attending congregation
meetings, we are reminded of the sayings of
Christ. (2 Pet. 3:1, 2) We show our heartfelt
appreciation for this supply of spiritual food
by regularly partaking of it. What, though,
should be our reaction if certain counsel is
repeated occasionally? For example, God’s
Word counsels Christians to marry “only in
the Lord.” (1 Cor. 7:39)
The Watchtower
. Christ’s brothers surely
Paying attention to these reminders is one way to
show that we are following our perfect Leader,
Jesus Christ.
Yes, Jesus’ leadership is progressive,
not stagnant. Another way to cooperate
with Christ’s “brothers” is to have a
positive attitude toward any refinements
in our understanding of Scriptural truths
as published by “the faithful and discreet
slave.”—Matt. 24:45.
We also demonstrate our submission to
Christ’s “brothers” by cooperating with the
appointed overseers in the Christian congregation.
For example, an elder may give us encouragement
related to the importance of having a regular
Family Worship evening or may offer
suggestions concerning some aspect of our
field ministry. A traveling overseer may give
us some helpful Scriptural counsel on a particular
aspect of Christian living. Our willingly
applying such counsel shows that we
follow Jesus as our Leader.
By all means, let
us obey our Leader and cooperate with
those he is using today.
" The stupidity continues though doesn't it. How would a witness female/girl/women get to the point where an inappropriate worldly man would be proposing to her. Did she just have this dude in the office decide she might consent to a ring and become his bride? "
Hey therevealer,
that just goes to show how out of touch the Brooklyn Bozo's are
" Maybe he was just showing her the ring he got his girlfriend and she had wild dreams of grandeur thinking it was for her? "
No Mr. Freeze,
the Brooklyn Bozo's were showin' it as a proposal, that's why they mentioned not becomin' unevenly yoked
Yan Bibiyan
One more comment on the stupid ring picture:
The size of that rock is not random. From what I see, this is a solid 2 1/2 to 3 carat princess, which is no less than 10 Grand..
And the faithful sister turns it down! And she goes on to marry a broke abusive janitor....
No wonder these stupid pictures can appeal to prescoolers, at best...