any chance they will change their view on homosexuality? as they claim they are a progressive organization the references in the old testamate that refer to homosexuality can easily be thrown out and the sodom and ghomorra thing can be changed due to greek translations saying that the issue was having no hospitality, not homosexual gang rape. anyone think this?
by WatchTower87 293 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
clues in recently published articles....possibly being asked to do something out of character or unusual....something they might initially resist doing but will do if told to by gb/fds..
any chance they will change their view on homosexuality?
I would put the chance of that at 0%. A snowball has a better chance in hell.
any chance they will change their view on homosexuality?
Have you ever even known any JWs?
They'd sooner accept the trinity, hellfire, and the immortal soul.
Can I ask what on earth they can change about their bible? Is this a piss take or for real?
Seems to be real jambon1, probably one last cash grab for a dying publishing business.
Oh, and they can adjust the wording of a few critical scriptures to match their doctrine, that will be the fun part!
You give these people to much IQ credit.
The reading and writing requirement is the polite way of saying "no babies or disruptive children".
The revised bible will be just that, an easy to read simplified bible.
There will be lots of "giving" experiences.
The meeting will be 2 hours and 30 minutes but expect to be there for 3 hours.
The GB will be talking on and on about the new projects. Yes, "projects"
"Simplified Bible"
Hell, they only ever use the same 40 or so verses anyway - the rest is just extraneous fluff to them.
They could "simplify" the Bible to a folded one-page tract and still be able to use 100% of their theology.
Thanks for the intel and welcome to JWN.
Actually, the USA instructions say that baptized and us baptized pubs along with their minor children will be allowed at this event, so expect screaming babies and restless children just like at any other meeting.
and the letter that will be read at tonight's service meeting explicitly says the AGM will last 3 1/2 hours, so 'plan accordingly'. It also tells everyone they should carpool if possible, and to be seated before the scheduled start time.