Jehovanomics RULE #2: Bequest Of Property.

by Jehovanomics 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jehovanomics

    Cashing In On Death. Death is payday for the Jehovah Witnesses. It's what they celebrate.

  • hoser

    My wife's aunt and uncle converted to Jws later in life. Their kids were grown when they "came into the truth". The kids never became Jws. The couple died within a couple of months of each other and had an estate worth hundreds of thousands. They had been convinced by the PO to will it all to the branch. One of the daughters was so pissed off she didn't even go to the funeral.

  • zeb

    I hope she challenged the wills.

  • Sail Away
    Sail Away

    My in-laws have millions in assets. My husband helped build those properties as he grew up and was written out of their will decades ago when he left the organization. The WBT$ takes all. They say they "don't want or need anything" from us. "Everything is all set. Communication would be nice, but is not necessary." so they say. I have no intention of speaking to them ever again. They shun their son and our children and have questioned whether I go to meetings. They don't deserve an answer to that question. My husband doubts he will even be informed of their deaths. So be it.

    Welcome Jehovanomics!

  • label licker
    label licker

    Zeb, I hope she challenged the will as well. As my lawyer told me that since my name wasn't mentioned out of five of his kids, I could challenge it. If he had left me change, then I couldn't. I was the only one who was not a jw so I was dead to him. My lawyer did send out two letters to my brother who had recieved most of everything. My jw brother wouldn't release the $3,500.00 that was left to my handicapped sister so after two years of holding on to it, my lawyer threatened to take him to court. They finally gave it to her. We didn't have to pay a cent for the lawyer for he did this free out of his time due to the fact my sister was not in a state mentally or physically to fight for what was hers.

  • KateWild

    They do cash in from their elderly members and solicit them for funds constantly in the magazines. It's disgraceful. Kate xx

  • Jehovanomics

    Thanks for playing.


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