Why Do Atheists Struggle So Much Against God Who Supposedly Doesn't Exist?

by Perry 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Perry

    An athist made this casual statememt on another thread:

    this would suggest to me that there are at least some atheists that do have consistant beliefs.

    As an atheist, how could he possibly trust the reason that suggests this to himself? If reality is simply a chance happenstance, how can the reason that results from the chaos the atheist presupposes be trusted?

    What scientists are saying is that atheists deep down believe in order and reason which are not the product of chance and chaos, but are consistent with being made in the image of God. In other words, you need to borrow certain things from the Christian worldview in order to struggle against it.

    In other words, Atheists Don't Exist.

    This video below fully develops these findings. Merry Christmas to all.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "The truth of Christianity". Sorry, that's all I could watch...3 seconds. Starting from that premise, it can only go downhill from there.

    Perry: How about choosing a few points and posting them for discussion rather than expecting us to watch an hour+ of nonsense?

    What scientists are saying is that atheists deep down believe in order and reason which are not the product of chance and chaos

    Which scientists are saying this?

    but are consistent with being made in the image of God.

    An atheist does not believe in god, therefore he does not believe he is made in the image of god. You do know what "atheist" means, right?

    How about posting a link so we can put this in context:

    "An ath[e]ist made this casual statememt on another thread."

    this would suggest to me that there are at least some atheists that do have consistant beliefs.

  • Apognophos

    I would suggest that atheists are not struggling against God but against the tendency of man to believe in God. If you've ever found an aspect of mankind to just be totally unpalatable -- say, you're fed up with people being greedy, or ignorant of politics, or you disagree with an accepted cultural practice like drinking alcohol or eating meat -- then you know what it's like to feel that you need to protest the status quo.

    "Angry" atheists are generally people who hate the tendency of man to believe in something he was taught by his parents, who were taught it by their parents, etc. They refuse to accept that people should be allowed to be so gullible. They see religion as the cause of many of man's problems and want to make it go away as soon as possible.

    None of this has to do with any one particular conception of God and it does not require the atheist to believe in any such God, only to believe that other people believe in him/her/it.

  • Terry

    Think of it this way. . ..

    What if you were suddenly whisked back in time to ancient Greece and you were asked why

    you didn't believe in Zeus or the other gods? You couldn't whip out your Bible because there wasn't any.

    Is there an explanation anybody would find acceptable? No.

    You would be an atheist to their religious deities.

    Early Christians were regarded as atheists because they denied everybody else's god except their own.

    It was unthinkably arbitrary to the Romans and no explanation would suffice.

    In summary, to those who understand, no explanation is necessary; to those who don't understand, no explanation is possible.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Early Christians were regarded as atheists because they denied everybody else's god except their own.

    An atheist simply believes in one less god than a Christian does.

  • Ajax

    Struggle? against what?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    By Perry's logic I guess a person who doesn't believe in Unicorns or the Tooth Fairy must struggle with that everyday, too.

  • LisaRose

    So believing in order and reason makes me a believer? Fat chance. You are making a giant, incorrect assumption, that lack of a creator would always and only result in chaos. Can you prove that? You can't, anymore than you can prove God exists. Evolution, which can be proven, shows that life did arise out of chaos.

  • M*A*S*H

    What scientists are saying is that atheists deep down believe in order and reason which are not the product of chance and chaos, but are consistent with being made in the image of God. In other words, you need to borrow certain things from the Christian worldview in order to struggle against it.

    Here is an interesting view on the research Perry is referring to. http://www.science20.com/writer_on_the_edge/blog/scientists_discover_that_atheists_might_not_exist_and_thats_not_a_joke-139982

    Perry this has nothing to do with the how dependable an 'atheist's' logic is. You have no need to over-reach. It almost seems like you are suggesting that logic and reason cannot exist without a god (presumably 'your' god?). Would two plus two equal four in a universe created without a god? Would two plus two equal four in a universe created by a different god to YOUR god?

  • Finkelstein

    Why Do Atheists Struggle So Much Against God Who Supposedly Doesn't Exist?

    This statement by Perry shows the kind of intellectual dishonesty religionists like Perry propagate.

    A lying assertion if there ever was one.

    Atheists have a sense and appeal toward intellectual honesty far and above religionists who accepts the workings of the world by virtue

    of believing and accepting ancient mythological story telling.

    Therefore they do have a struggle with people who rather accept irrational knowledge based upon human ignorance.


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