VM44 I just contacted my friend/source again and he affirmed that the Louise Stemen in Maggie Valley,N.C. is the one and same as the one that was in Franklin years ago. So that means she is over 107 years of age and that would also mean that at least one of them off that Watchtower cover from back then is still alive. That is amazing.
1984 WT cover -- Watchtower's Final Failed Prediction?
by FatFreek 2005 97 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Thank you StoneWall for making inquiries concering the Stemens.
I think veromi calculates the age of a person from their date of birth and unless otherwise notified, will keep on incrementing a person's age even if the person is no longer living.
It appears that FatFreak is going to have to update his "1914 Generation" cover image.
VM44 I stand corrected.
I stated she was the same and that would put her at 107 but my friend just said that she was the same and never said if she was still living.
So looking over the SS info it appears she died at 99 years of age. So I ran ahead by assuming she was still alive when I saw the 107 years of age.
My apologies on that part. I was just trying to take it all in by talking to him on the phone and reading what you had posted here.
So that was totally my fault. He(friend) thinks she has passed away so the info on her being 99 at date of death (DoD)is probably the accurate one.
Mad Sweeney
Looking forward to the updated image. Thanks for all the research and documentation.
#8 looks so much like Don Cecil - an elderly CO we used to have who retired into our circuit - Don't think I have spelled his name correctly - but it was pronounced Cee-cil. Had a deep wonderful resonant speaking voice. Came from down south - had Cherokee heritage in him. But my id of him for this pic is not "for certain."
Here are both versions of the labeled 1984 Watchtower covers. Although we're on the road, I'd forgotten that I had sync'd my laptop with desktop so I had the Print Shop Pro files with me all along. Because of JWN caching you may need to refresh your browser before the correct ones shows up. Note that all names and dates of passing should appear. Thanks to all for your help. If you wish to copy the images (on a Windows machine) simply right click as you hover the cursor on the image, then follow the menu choices.