I was talking with my older two boys. They were really glad we stopped going to the kh and being practicing jw. They went on and told me about things they thought. My #2 son said, "Mom, I remember thinking I need to kill all of my friends. They were good kids, and I really liked them. They were going to die at Armageddon, and I wanted them with me in paradise. So the only way I could see it happening, is for them to die now, so they could be resurrected."
#1 son told me, "Yea, I thought I should kill myself. I would never make it thru, so I needed to die so I could be resurrected. I heard them talking (those in the hall), and was worried you would not make it either, and I was hoping you would kill yourself too. That way we could be in paradise together."
Then they both told me they were glad we left before they did anything stupid like that. It was hard to hear the boys talk like that. While they do not feel that way anymore, I feel as though I need to do something to help them. They told me that it has been years since they felt like that, but should I do anything, or just let them talk? Has anyone else ever gone thru something like that with their children, or themselves?