Any one else deal with this?

by Momofmany 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Momofmany
    Basically, all who die before Armageddon will be ressurected for their second chance in the 1000-year reign. This teaching is a bit problematic though, and many JWs start to stutter if you ask them "does that mean Hitler, Eichman, Goebbels, Stalin, Pol Pot etc etc will be ressurected?" Usually they answer "uhhh ... yes", and according to JW-doctrine, they`re right. All who die before A will be ressurected (unless there is some "new light" that I am not aware of).

    It was a factor with my children. Those who die, who are mean, cruel, etc will be resurrected. But if you are kind, and good, but not a witness, sorry, you lose. That's why they thought they way they did. (or at least part of it)

  • findingmyway

    Because I never felt that I measured up, I wished for death to come to me. I thought about it a lot. I knew I couldn't commit suicide because that's unforgiveable, right? I wished I could die in my sleep because I couldn't take pain. I also knew that if for some reason I was alive during Armageddon and my faith was tested, I would not stand. I would tell whomever threatened my life where the Watchtower headquarters was and whatever else they wanted to know.

  • Hellrider
    I would tell whomever threatened my life where the Watchtower headquarters was and whatever else they wanted to know.

    LoL, as if they couldn`t just look in the phonebook to find the address - the things that go in the minds of children, strange, but I can understand that one. Did you get this fear of "betraying the WTS" from one of their teachings? They had obviously succeeded in putting in the WTS in Christs place, in your mind, a very basic goal for the brainwashing of the JWs. Because this "betrayal of the WTS" is suspiciously the same as in the gospels, when Jesus says to Peter: “I tell you the truth, on this night, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.”

    Many people seriously misinterpret the gospels on this. When Jesus says to Peter: “Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.” - this not Jesus condemning Peter! Peter was one of the most trusted Apostles, he was given the "keys to the Kingdom". The fact that even Peter would "betray" Jesus, in fear of his own life, is not a story about betrayal, it is a story about the weakness of man compared to God and Christ, but it is also a story about regret, repent, and about trying to do better the next time. The verse continues:

    "And he went outside and wept bitterly"

    That`s all.

  • Periodic Bedlam
    Periodic Bedlam

    As a JW child I thought continually of Armageddon and who would survive it. I didn't want to be like one of those people dying in the Paradise Lost pictures. I used to wish that my grandmother (Catholic) would die before the "end" so that she would be resurrected. Death before armageddon was the only way for a non-witness to get into the new system.

    I use to wish I could die too so that I could skip the torture that we as JWs would have to endure in the "great tribulation" because I was afraid of that (I had read lots of experiences of torture in the Yearbooks and magazines, plus heard all about the beatings and rapes in Malawai). But, I also wanted to get married and have kids when I grew up. Those who died and got resurrected would not be able to be married or have kids (WT interpretation--they would be like the "angels" as Jesus said). So, I resolved myself to torture at Armageddon but was secretly afraid that if I got that far and died in the torturing, I still would miss out on marriage and kids after all.

    Then, there was a change in thought.....those who had the chance to become JWs and didn't and died just prior to Armageddon may not get resurrected at all. They had their chance and didn't take it so resurrection a few years later wouldn't make much difference in their attitude. I used to wonder how many years before Armageddon was the "cut off" for resurrection eligibility. I also used to thank Jehovah everyday because I was one of the fortunate (couldn't use the word "lucky") ones as my mom found "the truth" and I was not going to die soon like all the other kids in school.

    No wonder I turned out to be a WT robot when I grew up.

  • Crumpet

    Momofmany and others who comemnted here I feel for you so much. I was taught that if you knoew or had heard the truth and rejected it then you would be kiled at Amrageddon. For that reason when I left at 16 I could not explain to my new friends anything at all about my weird beliefs. I would tell them that if I told them and they didn;t follow it they would die in the next few years so it was better if I didn;t tell them.

    For that reason at my exit interview from hospitakl when I was 16 following an overdose of 100 pills and whiskey I refused to tell the hospital psychiatrist explaining that I didn't want to be the reason for his death. They should have locked me up there and then.

  • Gill

    Wow, Crumpet! You tried to save the psychiatrist by sacrificing your own mental health. You're a very brave lady and like me, you were thoroughly brainwashed.

    It's good to be free now!

    I remember a thought poping into my head when the kids were all very young, that we only had persecution and torture to look forward to in the near future and we were likely going to die at Armageddon anyway and it might just be easier to kill us all there and then. It was a thought, for a few fleeting moments and I still remember where I was standing and what I was doing when it occured to me.

    Crazy WTBTS makes crazy people!

  • searching4?

    I have been disfellowshipped for 13 years, but I just want all of you to please look up a scripture. I'm surprised at how many of you think that the witnesses believe if someone dies before armeggedon, they will be resurrected. They believe only those who are faithful servants of Jehovah will be ressurected. All others are dead forever. 2 Thessalonians 1:8,9 reads: in a flaming fire, as he bringsvengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction from before thr Lord and from the glory of his strength. Am I wrong? What do you guys think??


  • bennyk


    No go. That scripture has been used ever since Knorr to prove the eternal destruction of those slain at the big A, but not those who die before. Basically, the WTS teaching was/is that death now (but not as an "apostate" or "Evil Slave" or DF'd/DA'd individual) is a free ride to the New System. I, too, used to feel relieved when non-Witness relatives and friends passed away (though I never really considered 'helping' them into the Paradise via a violent and sudden end).

  • searching4?

    Wow! I cannot believe it, I honestly thought that was what the witnesses taught, but I just called my Mom and you are right. I apologize for my ignorance. What a crock of shit!!!! I am so glad I am no longer a part of that bullshit. learn something new everday LOL

  • joanne_

    i remember when my mom died, i was told, 'well now she will be in the new system'. and i was to find comfort in that instead of dealing with the loss. it was almost like, don't grieve, at least she made it.

    and alot of bros and sisters are so tired and worn out, i can see that maybe they wish they could just go to sleep....remember the scripture that says 'in a blink of an eye'?

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