Hello all. Just a brief introduction to get me started. I am still one of Jehovah's Witnesses although delicately extricating myself from this complicated situation. I have family to be concerned about, and this still binds me to the religion like a fragile cobweb.
I wonder that the JW paranoia of Harry Potter was what initially piqued my interest? I enjoy the Harry Potter stories and relate to my avatar. My predicament lead me to discover how dark and manipulative the entire culture of the "Society" is; evil always wears a mask. The only way to survive this cognitive war is to don the mask myself. It is so easy to be accepted by the "brothers" by turning their ploy against them. Basic Occlumency I suppose.
I have read this forum with interest for many years. My purpose in registering was to give back something, perhaps a different perspective or information from inside this cult as it slowly implodes. In this way, my participation is motivated by appreciation for all of your contributions. This forum is vigourously alive and constantly wrestling with itself to discover the truth. What beautiful irony.