We just got back from spending two weeks in Denver, CO. Call us crazy (yeah i dont know what the hell we were thinking) but we decided to drive. From Seattle to Denver and back is over 3,000 miles. We had both kids and a crap load of stuff. It took us about two days total, and looking back it actually wasnt that bad, both kids had their own cd players. We gave them both a roll of quarters which they couldnt spend till we got there, and told them that every time they asked “are we there yet” or argued they had to give us a quarter. We also charged a “fart fee” of 50 cents. And if neither one of them admits that they farted they both had to give up 75 cents. That worked really well. By the time we got to Denver they only gave up about 4 dollars total between the two of them. We stopped at Yellowstone on the way back, it was beautiful. I’ll upload some pictures in a little bit. So what’s the longest road trip you’ve been on? Tell me about it!