The longest trip I've ever made was from Corpus Christi, TX, to Los Angeles, and back, in about a week. Basically, I just wanted to see California. Memories of the trip include hundreds of drunks on the sidewalks of Las Cruces, N.M., the steep uphill drive to Yuma (with 55 qallon barrels of water situated every couple of miles to refill overheating radiators), the saguaro forests in Arizona, a place near Tuscon which appeared to be manufacturing blimps, the drive through the mountains into San Diego at night, the wild variety of cars and motorcycles seen in Long Beach (including antiques, hot rods, etc), cops on the LA freeway motioning for traffic to move FASTER (already moving at or better than the speed limit), the helpful motel manager who let me have a vacant room for $10, the Pacific Ocean at Huntington Beach, and too much else to mention. I remember thinking at the time that southern California didn't seem like a bad place to live, although I never tried to actually move there.