This is a non-religious question but I have always wondered why "so called" straight hetero women are always looking at or talking about another women' breast or breastsize. You would never hear me or see me looking at or talking about another man's privates so I am curious ladies what gives. I work with several married straight women and this is all I hear from them. Is it jealousy or what?
Why are "straight women" fascinated by other women' breast?
by booker-t 23 Replies latest jw friends
I'll bite
I wouldn't say that I am 'fascinated' by other womans breasts, although I do think that every body is beautiful, male or female. I do think that women are more open to discussing their bodies with each other, it's a normal thing to me. And just like some women are shallow, bitter jealous creatures, the comments will reflect that. The rest of the "nice girls" are just sharing information.
And what are you talking about that guys don't talk about size?! That's all I hear when I talk to guys, or hear them talk to each other. Bragging and inflating
I guess I notice other women's breasts because I don't have much. I'm jealous I guess.
And what are you talking about that guys don't talk about size?! That's all I hear when I talk to guys, or hear them talk to each other. Bragging and inflating
I was going to say the same thing! Men are always bragging about their size and how skilled they are at using it.
I read somewhere that porn features shots of the the male member for guess who? The male watchers. Though they rarely admit it, they are looking and secretly comparing.
I think about my breasts a lot, since they hold such an obvious fascination for my hubby. But they are mostly a nuisance now that their utility is past. I also fastidiously check for lumps. Ever since my life drawing class, I appreciate people of all sizes and shapes. I've met two women who had an outstanding set of natural bazonkas. The first woman, I asked about it. She was five foot two and built like a brick. She'd learned to live with them, and we talked a bit about bras. The second lady had an elephantine pair that overshadowed her pregnancy. She had it all neatly tucked in with an African sari. I was too chicken to ask.
For slightly built women, I might indulge in some good-natured teasing, but these days not so much. I think breast augmentation is an abomination, and I would never want to encourage a woman to go through all that pain. Like Dove says, celebrate every woman's unique shape. We don't all have to be barbie dolls.
I used to work a guy ( he was huge 6'2 , 260lbs ), he was always going on about the size of his penis, how it was huge , the stuff of legend, that it had been measured and was 12 inches. All his buddies backed him up in saying that yes they had seen it and yes it was huge. Apparently every time this guy got drunk at a party he would haul it out to "wow" the ladies.
The next time we all got together at a cottage this guy was there and very drunk. My girl friend and I were sick about hearing about his penis size all the time. He starts to brag yet again, I said prove it. If it's that huge just haul it out already. So he did. My girl and I just burst out laughing, it seem he forgot to insert a decimal in his measurement. It should have been 1.2 inches, not 12. He never brought his penis up again
Dams ( not a bad influence, I swear )
ever hear of "shrinkage?"
ever hear of "shrinkage?"
There's shrinkage and then there is "hey! where did the other 10.8 inches go?!"
Since Breasts are readily visible, and most women know how to use this asset to influence the majority of men, they are bound to be interested in other women's breaasts.
I say it is like going to hear a concert pianist. You can always tell the pianists in the audience because they are intently watching the player's hands, for size and what he does with them.
Except, what skill is required for "breast-building"? Other than, thanks to stretching and drooping, I can pour mine in to any convenient shape.
hm are breasts considered to be "private parts"? I wonder if that is strictly an american thing.