Shunned again, and you won't guess where. EVER.

by kwintestal 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • Goldminer

    I just came upon this thread.It's quite a story.First of all Kwin,I commend you for the stand you're taking on this personal issue.Do you realize how many jw's/ex-jw's would just walk away and not say a thing?What this receptionist did was expose the hypocrisy of jehovah's witnesses and will bring "shame upon the local congregation".

    Stand tall,think about it wisely and I'm sure you'll come up with a good decision Kwin.Or,you could always....."Wait on Jehovah to take care of it". Sorry,I just couldn't help myself.


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    without reading all the replies. i would have REAMED HER ASS OUT. for making me sit there in the waiting room . while she knew the person you were there to see. was out for the day. there is no way i would let anyone get away with that. i would never cursed her till she cried. and said sorry. just like i did to the realestate lady that's selling the house i live in.yesterday. she told me she was coming at 5-6 p.m. 2 days ago. and didn't call me. to cancell. i'm sorry i reamed her for about 20 minutes. till she said sorry then i reamed her for an other 10 minutes. and caqlled her every name in the book. if you shit on me you will pay...

  • Rabbit

    If it was me, I think I'd like an apology with the Counselor(s) present.

    The article about "Mary" should be read by the the receptionist and her superiors. They should "study" (heheh) it with her and ask very pointed questions: "Would YOU 'turn somebody in' to your church, if you learned they were violating some WT rule ?"

    The answers she gives will tell them what they need to know..."Is she trustworthy ?" "Is she a liability ?" Let them decide.

    If you ask for her job to be taken away, it may happen, because they fear litigation. If you ask and she loses her job, she and every JW that hears about it...will fear so called 'apostates' even more. Their 'persecution complex' will go into high gear and they will believe, no matter how illogical it is...that this somehow 'proves they are Jah's chosen ones...'

    Like the song goes: You don't always get what you want, you don't always get what you want... But, get what you need.


  • stillAwitness

    You should tell her boss. That'll teach her.

    Oh and by the way... you were having apple sauce and beer????

  • kwintestal
    you were having apple sauce and beer????

    Yes. That day I was making both apple sauce (in the morning) and beer (in the afternoon). How could you know that? Did I say it somewhere else?


  • Aude_Sapere
    How could you know that? Did I say it somewhere else?

    Yup. 2nd sentence in your opening post...


  • kwintestal
    Yup. ; 2nd sentence in your opening post... ;

    Duh! Don't I feel like a doof! Haha.


  • EdenOne

    I wonder what was the outcome of this story...?


  • Louise
    I would definitely bring that up with her boss. She is in a professional environment and she acted unprofessionally.
  • Louise
    oooh shitzerringer - this is an old thread - still getting used to the new site and how it works.

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