Shunned again, and you won't guess where. EVER.

by kwintestal 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunnygal41

    Kwin, how thoroughly UNPROFESSIONAL of her. I worked for a Dr. as a JW and never did I forget that at work, I am a PROFESSIONAL. This woman needs a readjustment to her attitude, and I sure hope you will be speaking with her boss about it. Terri

  • vitty

    I would say you are looking for reassurance from them and HER that your confidentially will be upheld and that she wont see your files,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and that when you enter the office she MUST speak to you in a civilized manner !!!!

  • funkyderek

    I wouldn't go as far as demanding that she be fired, but I would certainly request a verbal and written apology from her, as well as assurances that this sort of behaviour would not happen again, and that she will not follow the rules of her religion that require her to leak confidential information to the elders. If I didn't get this and she was not removed from her position, I would go to the human rights people and the press. It's unprofessional and abusive behaviour and you should not have to put up with it from anyone - especially someone working in the area of mental health.

  • Legolas

    I would want her FIRED!!!!!! I should have added that jehovah can take care of her! Ha HA!

  • sf


  • sf

    Something weird is going. I had/ have an original post to this thread, yet I got a "sorry blocked". So I made the 'test' post just to see if it would take. It did. So I tried submitting my original post again; as I had copied its text (I always do that, just for these types of cases). Same "sorry" page.

    What is going on?


  • kwintestal

    sKally, can you edit your test post and insert the text you wanted?


  • BrendaCloutier

    ((( Kwin )))

    Fired seems a bit harsh. However, she is totally in the wrong, and with ANY access to your records she is a perceived threat to confidentiality. Even if she doesn't have access to your records, she still presents a risk of confidentiality just in the fact that your are seeing a counsellor. She is a perfect case study for your counselors. Yes, the WT article about the breach in confidentiality of the nurse should be presented.

    She should be let go... And personnel should release the information as to WHY she was let go! (Blackballing of sorts).

    To recap.... I'd want her ass fired, or moved to a possition where she cannot possible have any access or control or knowledge of clients and their activities. I doubt that Janitor would work in this case.

    Any person in the possition of receiving or greeting clients or customers need to treat all clients or customers the same, or they are not doing their job.

  • Caedes
    It seems that Jehovah's spirit is slow in delivering the good news of your re-instatement. It must be tired from the swiftness with which it delivered the news of your initial disfellowshipping.

    Lmao. Always seems to be the way with dubs.

    I would be wanting to know exactly what disciplinary action will be taken, and I doubt that the organisation this woman works for should be satisfied with anything less than dismissal, since this woman will not be abiding by her duty of confidentiality if it conflicts with her faith. Make sure they know that witnessess will engage in theocratic warfare (and explain just what this means). The main stick you have is the confidentiality issue, her professional misconduct should be used to highlight how little respect this woman has for the rules of her employer when compared with the rules of her church. Only use the press if you don't get your way with this woman's employer, they might just clam up else.

  • jgnat

    The company is doing the right thing. They are asking what needs to be done to satisfy an unhappy customer. You need to be clear what you want, and as a reward, drop the human rights application if they follow through. I think there are some good suggestions here, kwin. I think dismissal is too harsh, but a well worded, pre-vetted, personal, face-to-face apology by the receptionist, to you, in the presence of your counsellor, would be good. If the receptionist refuses, the company is then free to apply any appropriate disciplinary measures.

    I don't like the suggestion by one supervisor that the receptionist did not know your counsellor's schedule, so perhaps had an excuse not to speak to you. A receptionist's job is to greet visitors and connect them with their appointment. Even if she didn't know the schedule, she was required to talk to you.

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